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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. This feature should check age before for sure
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Thank you! It's a very nice decision about combining our neighboors in one stat. And I would like to ask about fixing the same thing but for team rankings. http://hwbot.org/rankings/teams/region/ - this tab isn't available from the team rankings page: http://hwbot.org/rankings/teams/worldwide evenmore it doesn't work - any selection will show an error page. And it would be nice if the country selection on the country rankings page would lead not to the rankings tab (which is the same page, only the country that is selected is highlighted) but to either the overclockers or team rankings for this country. Because if we seek the country page and click a country we usually want to look on a detalization not to highlight it's name I think the team tab as a link target would be better by default.
  4. I want to clear out the region switch. The Russia switch means - exUSSR in fact, yes? Well, it's quite nice for me though doesn't correlate with the name (maybe some guys from Ukraine and Kazahstan won't be happy.) The Europe switch means - the Europe without exUSSR (Ukraine, Russia) And Asia - Asia without exUSSR (Russia, Kazahstan) Am I correct or this is a bug? It's a nice one anyway
  5. The same for Pifast and Super pi - when you select the wPrime tab and switch to 2 CPUs, going to the single thread apps will show the results with 2*CPUs though they should be with the 1x CPU ones. If taking the same category as example, I mean this: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/athlon_64_4600_x2_brisbane?&tab=2drankings&hardware=athlon_64_4600_x2_brisbane&cores=4#superpi
  6. sylphid44 2.4B has a multi 18, this one has 12. 12*200=2400 - it's a 2.4C. The HT not present means it's disabled and nothing more
  7. The family ranking is nice, but a bit buggy - when you look at it, for example: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_1_60mhz?&tab=2drankings&hardware=pentium_1_60mhz&familyId=226#wprime_32m it show different number of results in each tab - some have 10, some 8, some only 5. Besides, if we click ot the view top 100, it show the category results, though we were viewing family results. And it would be nice if the number of cores in wPrime selection would be inactive if such results do not exist in this category. For example, more than 8 cores in Pentium 1 category is not what we will see in the nearest years. Thank you for attention.
  8. richba5tard, no, that's not the right way. I'm not against the info stuff - on the contrary I suggested to make a description of each hardware category shortly after rev.2. It's great if we grow wider. The thing is in not making it less convenient making int more complex, don't you agree? The tabs made the result surfing process a bit longer an the only thing I said is how this can be resolved. If you remember, I suggested to clean up the hardware database (not results) from erroneous categories and typos (and offered help in this) - why would I say this if the rankings are the only goal?
  9. I've a small suggestion about improving hardware database usability - it's most often used to check the current results, not to read the info more and more. So why don't you make the link for example: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_4_2.4ghz_a_northwood leading to the 2D rankings tab, not the info? It saves a bit of clicking which is anyway more than it was because of the benchmark tabs being implemented.
  10. Nothing I didn't expect It was the first day of the competition that I said that he will jump closer to the end leaving competitors behind with a nice gap.
  11. RB, should I wait until changes are applied from above or start translating the text from here: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=6219 independant?
  12. Your "small screen" is definetely bigger than mine. I can't see about 30% from the right. Maybe a scrollbar for the really small screens? 1152*864. But the overall placement is much better
  13. Hm, it would be better to leave English by default. I personally and many others hate the localized mirrors of vendor sites because they are dumb. It's a habit that is hard to fight with. The same here - the translation is far from perfect and you put it by default. Or make a easy switch and English by default. Thank you
  14. Thanks, that's why we can get the four times cheaper than 980X
  15. What can you say about Q3NW and Q3Q6?
  16. Thanks for the OS! Downloaded all but the new one and send my teammates. Gonna try them myself soon.
  17. If I were you, I'd try to find a similar BIOS chip and flash the BIOS from other ABIT 875 and 865PE models. Maybe the MAXIII model BIOS will do the stuff. And yes - nobody denies clockgen boot at the frequency when dividers work and push in windows the speed you need. It's as easy as it sounds.
  18. I've remembered about a new feature - the MoBo page. http://hwbot.org/hardware/chipset/865pe http://hwbot.org/hardware/chipset/875p Sapienti sat. The first link tells you to look only at Asus and maybe Abit IS7-E. The second shows how much the 875P grabs comparing to 865PE. Now I see that I'm lucky that got my hands on a P4C800-E.
  19. Dreadlockyx, no, no. It's a crappy low-end Asus. And as many know - the low-end Asus is a crap worse than Asrock and MSI (in overclocking means). Get a normal P4P800 or the deluxe board. The one you found has a 865G chipset - with integrated video. And it's mATX. JLK03F150, nice stuff
  20. pash1k, look for the MoBo manual. FSB jumpers is what you might be looking for. Set it from auto to FSB100 thus pushing your CPU to 1150MHz. Both my 733 made FSB 100 (1100MHz on the CPU) easily. Besides look this page: http://www.cpu-cool.de/FSB.HTM and learn how to figure out your clock generator. Then let us know what it is (because they might be complicated cases on it's marking) and search for a program that works with it. CPUFSB is likely - it was made in these times so supports many PLL's from that age.
  21. Dreadlockyx, surely not the best one. Look for Abit and Asus - the IC-7/IS-7 and P4C800/P4P800 with all modifications (except Asus -X series - that's crap). Sil3ntSnip3a, nice one! What's the lowest and highest multi on the 3066? The first link doesn't open.
  22. You should tell what do you want. BSEL mod, VID mod, or just a program to overclock? And what are you trying to do that it doesn't work.
  23. I'll try to add more before this weekend
  24. You're welcome, tiborrr Looks like today I killed my adapter and the Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2 as well. Will go and buy a new adapter tomorrow - think it's the last one in the store. Nice board you have! I love DFI, but AFAIK they weren't the FTW boards in s478 comparision. And there were two versions of UT 875 as I remember
  25. http://ru.hwbot.org:12080/hardware.do "Одно из преимуществ огромной базы заполненной результатами разгона , является возможность понастроить интересных графиков о процессорах и видеокартах." => "Одним из преимуществ огромной базы, заполненной результатами разгона, является возможность построения графиков производительности процессоров и видеокарт." - as TiN said and some extra typos like deleting a space before the comma and adding an extra comma. "Мы не хотим ничего скрывать от вас, поэтому пользуйтесь и радуйтесь, процессор или видеокарты база данных. " => "Мы не хотим ничего от вас скрывать, поэтому, железячники, утоляйте свою жажду познаний с помощью нашей базы по процессорам и видеокартам." "Если вы просто читаете спецификации – это не так интересно, посмотрите уже готовые чарты." => "Если изучение технических спецификаций - не для вас, то вы можете захотеть посмотреть на готовые графики производительности." "Секции." => "Разделы." "Hardware чарты" => "Графики производительности" Now to the statistics: http://ru.hwbot.org:12080/hardware.statistics.do "Hardware статистика." => "Статистика по железу" "hwbot.org hardware чарты не собираются вручную , а обновляются каждый день 394050 результаты тестов. " => Графики производительности hwbot.org не строятся вручную, а ежедневно обновляются, основываясь на 394050 результатах тестов. "Так как чарты строятся на поданных сообществом результатах, небольшие ошибки могут случаться." => "Так как графики производительности строятся на поданных сообществом результатах, могут случаться небольшие ошибки." "Так же учитывайте что многие участники разгоняют свои системы, вы можете не получить такие же результаты, пока не разгоните свою систему." => "Также учитывайте, что многие участники разгоняют свои системы; вы можете не получить такие же результаты, пока не разгоните свою систему." "Процессорные чарты" => "Графики производительности процессоров" "Чарты видеокарт" => "Графики производительности видеокарт" "CPU-Z chart" => "График CPU-Z" - same template for the rest. http://ru.hwbot.org:12080/overclocking.do - not translated. http://ru.hwbot.org:12080/results.statistics.do "Submitted results this week" => "Результаты, выложенные на этой неделе" "Results submitted" => "Выложено результатов" "Submitted results" => "Выложено результатов" http://ru.hwbot.org:12080/hardware.statistics.do?applicationId=13#chart "Higher is better" => "Больше - лучше" http://ru.hwbot.org:12080/hardware.statistics.do?applicationId=6#chart "lower is better" => "Меньше - лучше" "PiFast чарт." => "График PiFast" - same for the rest charts. P.S. I like the 404 error page: "Если вы попали сюда по внутренней ссылке, это баг. А если пришли по внешней, то ссылка кривая."
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