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Everything posted by riska

  1. elmor did you remove the 12v fuses on the board to get it to handle so much voltage?? Because my Matrix HD5870 had the same fuses and they blew when i pushed the card to much!
  2. lower your mem timings for better score my freind
  3. Just come to denmark and bench with the octdk team we pay about a 2/3 euro pr. litre and then we can make the card rock ...
  4. LoL nice gpu but people dont se that the 990X is running6.6ghz awsome cpu
  5. Få dig en xp martin fatter ikke at du gider at køre det i win7 der mangler jo ca 20-25000 point i den score
  6. The card is avalible on the retail market it is in all the stores now sinces last week
  7. Yeah i want to now the batch too!!
  8. Nice my freind yuo got it as high as we did on ln2 on the gfx
  9. First time on ln2 only save clocks no performence tweaks card have alot more in it so more to come..
  10. The cpu can do alot more than 4.4ghz on water i now this cpu it can do that on roomtemp and air and the gfxcard just need some more volts
  11. Open your windows my freind there ic -15 out there that will help
  12. you have typed the cpu mhz wrong my freind 4.998MHz it is only 4.498mhz
  13. Remove this score please it is in the wrong place you have 2 cards and posted it as a 1 card score!!
  14. nice chip and only on Dice! Get it under Ln2 and hobe the mobo can higher bclk
  15. You must have 2 980x in that board therefor you must upload it as a 12 core score
  16. Thats not possible to make this score at that speed please correct your upload
  17. just use the nvidiainspector tool it allows you to set lod to +- 3 and it works fine with the 265.90 driver and a gtx580
  18. ambient temp is way low idle temp on card in 2D is 10c
  19. jep for over 4 houres the card did like the cold very much
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