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Everything posted by riska

  1. There is a Moa 2010 competition in denmark to get to france in late june thats wy we battled against eachother
  2. You know my freind if it cant handle the high voltage it is not worth keeping
  3. Thanks my freind great benching from you
  4. What vmods was it that dosent work?
  5. Super cpu my freind and great numbers
  6. Sweet score my freinds but damn you beat rosty and me..
  7. no i havent i have a new system today
  8. there are no others with the same clocks on the card like mine.. i cant get it? no matter what score i can produce i get it blocked weird i always have fresh install and new drivers and uptodate 3dmark programs and directx and still al i ever get in here bugged score... wy.
  9. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/948041_riska_3dmark_vantage___performance_radeon_hd_5770_14859_marks I cant understand wy i am getting all my scores blocked over and over again now this one something about gt2 is to high?? i cant see the problem!!!
  10. But it was not with the same speed some diif in gfx speed
  11. Wy is it bugged?? i made like 10 runs of with that systems with 3-4 diff. drivers and nearly got the same score +-5-600 points!
  12. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/891979_riska_3dmark_2006_radeon_hd_4770_21143_marks?tab=info wy is this score blocked?? I did many runs at that speed and got rougly the same points! How can it be bugged? or a cheat?
  13. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/731706_riska_3dmark_2006_radeon_hd_3870_17826_marks Wy is this not shown as gold and WR ?? There is no one higher than me?
  14. This Wr with the HD3870 is bugged Look at GT4 nature test it is over twice as big as it should be at those speeds!! http://www.hwbot.org/community/submission/961373_fear7_3dmark_2003_radeon_hd_3870_61894_marks
  15. I am asking why our team member Tomho1248 have been deleeted from our team he was not aware of this him self!! Do someboddy now why he got deleted?? http://hwbot.org/community/user/Tomho1248 http://hwbot.org/community/team/octeamdenmark?tab=members look he is not on the list and we have lost all of his points!! Can someone help here?
  16. Nice scores my freind keep it up
  17. yea maybe but not realy is there you dont get the reconition with this scores you suppose to have i will gladly se any one top my score with the same cards it took me months to get that score
  18. Whats the point about benching anymore my score is far a greater resualt than the one at firstplace with a 5970 at only 161000 points but it gets 70 points
  19. Is it supposed to get so low points for that big a score?? because then i am finished with benching
  20. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=908715 whats up with that point system i only get 4.2 points together for my 164k+ score with my 4XHD4770 cards thats wrong i say a HD5970 that scores 161k in 3d03 gets 70.2 points whats up with that???
  21. Sorry i havent seen this post.. I have sold the cards now but the cards was cooled by water in one big loop and the vgpu was at 1.78v on all 4 cards and the temp dident go much over 55c.. ambient temp was about 15-17c and i put a little amount of Dice on the Radiator but not much like 10-15 pellets
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