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Everything posted by riska

  1. Nice score but nature is low try another driver or more lod for nature you should make over 1400 in nature
  2. Not enough wires an maby add some caps. my ref asus did 1240mhz on -40c with 1.45v an 1300+mhz on 1.7v and full pot on stock vrm
  3. Can not the Card is dead have to find another card
  4. Lets see if i have a backup more smile..
  5. Just a random batch i have 4 of those cpus and cant rember wich one i used for this run
  6. Those voltmeters are not accurate at all i have alot of them in different sizes and none of them are accurate far from.. i had the same idea in mind last year but dropped it because they where so inaccurate.. But damn nice score..
  7. Yes i think so did some search today and cant find any Card that high! Nice score my freind now take the first spot Again..
  8. For all submissions: either a verification screenshot or submission with data file via Catzilla.com (SOP) For top-20 global: screenshot and verification link mandatory Note: submitting via Catzilla.com will automatically include the verification link He has no verification link eigther so it dosent Count! please make change to upload or remove it!
  9. Can you find cheapest shipping to denmark ?
  10. I will take it thanks. PM sent
  11. Is the Card sold?
  12. Is the Card sold??
  13. There is no backup we dont do that if we get beaten we bench Again with better MHz and beat the new score smile...
  14. This one is still alive and kicking. it is very strong because of the Epower
  15. At first i had ovp at 1.65v but after a bios change on the ref asus Card i could set up to 1.6v vith hardmod and together with software over 1.8v. it got around 1.76v and it spiked at the GT2 test in vantage big planet xplosion and died
  16. Yes but the card died under the vantage run!
  17. The 3870x2 Card you have is a ref. Card so just find the 3870x2 vmod guide http://xtreview.com/addcomment-id-4179-view-radeon-hd-3870-x2-volt-mod.html
  18. Looking nice roman i alredy have 2 of your Raptor rev2 gpu pots and they are awsome but i have only one bad thing about the pots wy are the hole for the probe soo big? it only have to be 2mm max it is very hard to Mount the probes in taht big hole and insurring that they are seated right..
  19. Yes but i dont now where i have 20+ HDDs with pics and stuff on them ant cant remember wich one
  20. I have the pic here my freind
  21. You will ruin the cpu if you delid it... I have seen so many ivy/haswell go bad after deliding after a Little while they dont Work as god as they did from start..
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