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Everything posted by riska

  1. i just got my new cpu from rma my god one died after one run of SPI 1M And new batch is 315B639 cant run SPI 32M at 4.5ghz 4cores and 1.40vcore really a turd cpu
  2. I can tell you that the winning Vantage score will be much higher than Calatheas score With pre. 320.00 driver even if you set the core speed to 1400mhz the core is only running at 999mhz it is a bug in the driver therfore use the 320.18 or 320.49 or even better use the new 326.19 driver The calathea score is ok in efficinsy and there is no bug there.
  3. Mem MHz helps alot My team mate zzolio says that about 40-50mhz more mem is giving him about 500 points more
  4. I have a L312B342 and i havent testedt it at 5ghz, but it did wprime 32m 4c/8t at 5,2ghz with Water and about 1.35v And wprime 1024 at 5.1ghz at the same volt And it did cinebench at 5.8ghz under dice after i learned the new system and ran out of dice but in 2 weeks i have a bench session with my teammates and then it goes under Ln2
  5. yes in 3 weeks our team is holding sommer bench with lots of ln2
  6. Ebay is a great place i use to buy 20-30 cards at a time from different people but i buy them dirt cheap 2 to 15euro for a 3850-3870-4850-4780 card just chose the ones with aftermarket coolers and diy water no one wants them so the goes for notthing..
  7. throw me a mail on riska[at]riska(dot)dk
  8. I will take it if i can pay via. paypal. Is the lcd poster and the rest of the stuff stil there?
  9. Can you find the cheapest shipping to Denmark? I thing DpD have parcels up to 6kg for 11euro
  10. Yes it is requird And that have been a rule for alot of time now several years
  11. Ciruzzo Raise your mem mhz then you will se that the cpu is going to need more vcore than 1.19v you are only running 2133mhz mem thats a huge bottleneck on haswell cpu also only cl. 9
  12. knopflerbruce the screenshoot you have uploaded is done with 2 Amd opteron cpus and you say that this is an intel cpu you can only make the 10core thing you are rambling about with 2 intel cpus 4core and 6core not with 2 amd cpus..
  13. Mine is 312B batch and it did nearly 5.8ghz on dice this week and thats with 4/8 cores it can do 5.5-5.6 3d cpu test on dice
  14. What the fu¤¤k that speed on a itx board totally nice... http://images.anandtech.com/doci/7023/Impact%20Board2.png
  15. Super nice score but where is screenshot with proff??
  16. You have made a wrong screenshot no cpu tab in cpuz
  17. This have been a rule for over 2 years i think or more..
  18. Maybe alot of your new teammembers have alot of scores uploaded with same HW as you but with better scores thats wy your points is alot lower!
  19. He never uses the memtab in 3d i have cheked over half of his scores in 3d and none of them have memtab in screenshot?? Why has he been allowed to submitt so many scores with wrong screenshots whitout any hwbot staff has told him he is doing it wrong? He is at 25. place at extreme oc leauge!!
  20. Thats not a ic it is an tantalum capasitor at 330 microfarad and 2.5v
  21. Great score but what is your cpu running? Please turn off intel speedstep when benching so the cpu dont slow down in idle when making screenshots!
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