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Everything posted by nnimrod

  1. Surely my eyes deceive me... this is fake, right?? https://www.ebay.com/itm/4GB-2x2GB-PC2-8500-DDR2-1066-G-SKILL-BLACK-PI-Ram-Memory-Kit-F2-8500CL5D-4GBPI-B/233647730876?epid=133721088&hash=item36667d70bc:g:VPgAAOSw1NhfC4JX
  2. For whatever reason I always picture you as looking like your avatar. Probably not the case but that's what my mind does There's still the low clock challenge idea
  3. First I'll state that I'm sure this has been beaten to death suggested before, so I'm not actually suggesting it, but rather I'm curious what the reasons for it's not being implemented yet are. Why are memory benchmarks so limited? Memory OC is at least as complicated as CPU OC, and yet we've only got the option to submit memory frequency and read bandwidth? And the categorization of memory is limited DDR/DDR2/DDR3/DDR4. Memory benchmarks could be split up by IC, and potentially also by chipset or CPU socket. I mean then we'd be able to get a hardware gold for nanya memory in 1156, wouldn't that be awesome Another possibility is making low clock challenges an official benchmark. I know this suggestion in particular comes around fairly often, and I think it's a really good idea. The most competitive and accessible way to OC memory is the 4/5ghz 32m competitions that have for decades resided in forum threads. Some of the objections that I can think of: "It's too hard to verify that a particular memory submission is made with the IC under which the submission was made" - Fair point. CPUz only shows which kit you're using, and many kits can use different ICs. And of course taking a picture of the label on the heatspreader doesn't fix it because you could just take a picture of a different heatspreader if you want to cheat. Same with taking a picture of the IC. And then there's the issue of some labels and ICs being ambiguous regarding which IC's were used. Part of this could be remedied by omitting memory benchmarks from any competitions that have prizes until a better solution is found. And lastly I'll state that cheating doesn't bother me that much because for the most part, only the first page of results matters. And I trust that those aren't cheating because 1. Scrutiny for cheating is always applied most intensely to those at the very top, and 2. It's more or less the same names on almost every front page, and those people have reputations that they care about, and are not going to cheat. Also cheating just doesn't really bother me personally, because I'm not competitive with the first page people anyway. So for instance if my 133rd place 5.4ghz 955BE 32m submission is beaten by a cheater a dozen ranks up from me, I don't really care because I'm not comparing myself to the cheater at rank 121 - I'm looking at the first page of subs, which I'm confidant has no cheaters on it.
  4. I had no idea it was that old... I thought briefly of the SR-2, and then dismissed it because I then remembered that the SR-2 came out rather late in the game for 1366. I have already put hours into picking all the components and making sure they would work together. This all started since I finally aquired a good condition Trinitron, and am considering building a retro computer around it. Problem is I want it to be able to play Crysis, and I think 2008 is about as old as you can go and still get 40+ fps in Crysis at 1600x1200. 2008 is also a magic year because it's when Intel released the superb X-25M SSD (And X-25E). Well I suppose I'll read up on late '08 Skulltrail motherboards now. Edit: Skulltrail unfortunately can't really compete with Nehalem due to the huge gap in memory performance. Dual channel Buffered DDR2 vs. Triple channel unbuffered DDR3 is no contest. And to make it worse, some Skulltrail boards only had 4 DIMM slots.
  5. I'm not handicapping myself. As a random curiosity project I decided to spec out the ultimate "Dream machine" PC build that you could have made in the 2008 calendar year. And I figured everything else out about it, but wasn't sure about the memory. As for buying the Diablo 2000 kit on ebay, it's still sort of relevant for 775 and AM3, and collecting ram isn't exactly unheard of.
  6. So it is D9s... Thanks very much! Now I feel even worse for letting a CSX Diablo 2000 kit get away on ebay.
  7. Would it have been Samsung 1Gbit Rev. D? Hypers didn't show up until 2009 right? Also any examples of actual kits that were out before the end of 2008 would be appreciated!
  8. The rebooting with Barb's XP came from an unstable OC, entirely my fault, as usual. It's stable enough to run 32m 3-4 times back to back in other XPs, but in Barb's it spontaneously reboots.
  9. I'm trying to get a better OS for 32m, been using tinyXP/MicroXP, but I know there's better. I tried using Barbonenet's .tib, but it kept randomly rebooting for no apparent reason. It would just reboot while sitting on desktop. So I decided I'd go ahead and make my own with nLite, and this guide from Barbonenet is exactly what I wanted, but all the pictures are broken... https://www.hwlegend.tech/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7907 Does anyone know where I could get something like this, or a list of what not to remove or anything that might help me? Or a premade .ISO or anything really. thanks
  10. Looking for some motherboards, mostly 1155/1156/1366. Not really looking for the top end boards, something like UD3 level is fine. Reason being price of course. I also would like a single stick of hypers, preferably 2000c8 dominators.
  11. Used, perfect condition, comes with all retail packaging. $105+shipping, which will probably be $8-15 for US48. That's $15 less than the ebay listing because I love hwbot sold
  12. The code provided at the futuremark site gives me the advanced edition, which doesn't display the score, I believe I need the professional version for that. Anyone have a code for professional? 32 bit if it matters.
  13. I'm sure they must be out there but I couldn't think up the right search terms atm. Does anyone know where I could find one? I'm not sure exactly how much work/$ it would be and I'd like to find out if it's something I can handle. And what are your thoughts on a DICE/ethanol ice box? I.e. a drink cooler with a few gallons of denatured alcohol and DICE, and you pump that through your water block. And because it might worry some people - I have no intention of trying to bend rules or cheat cooling/league rules. I already do DICE cooling and have a couple pots/all the stuff. Or should I just forget about single stage/water chillers and buy a dewar?
  14. Haha yes, but I'm somewhat unusual and I just want to map out how all the timings affect performance. I like to do things methodically and exhaustively. Any suggestions on a better p67/z68 board? One with a full featured bios like the bios on my giga z97 soc-f or asrock z97 oc-f. And is z77 ok for efficiency with sandy? Thanks for your help
  15. Yes, by 4x faster I meant I could essentially get through a statistically meaningful number of 32m runs 4x as fast, or that's the hope anyway. Of course the times won't be good but they should be useful for comparing the effect of timing changes 666 and 800 straps, Making some graphs to see how performance varies with tRAS. I'll go higher just started at the bottom.
  16. Do you need win7 for geekbench? I tried HyperPi, thought it would be great to be able to test 32m 4 times as fast But it seems unstable. Out of round at stock clocks for CPU and memory. And I had done 32m. Worth mentioning the CPU is a 2500k that I just got and haven't tested at all so there's an outside chance it might have problems. tried 1.2 vcore and up to 1.9 vdimm, 1.15 vccio. Not much else to adjust. The board is an EVGA z77 stinger that I bought locally as an impulse purchase because it was cute, but the bios is atrocious, doesn't have XMP or PLL overvoltage, and not all the memory timings are there, and some of them have too high minimum values. All that said, it's probably user error, I'll try more tomorrow.
  17. I'll give it a shot thanks
  18. I'm trying to learn memory OC, and I'm using maxxmem to test the effect of different timings, but I'd like to corroborate my results with a "Real world" benchmark, and 32m takes forever to run. What are some other 2d benches that are highly sensitive to memory? Preferably with consistent results so I don't have to run it 20 times to get through the variance. I've heard geekbench is good?
  19. 780 ti lightning? Thats a rare one
  20. Ok, was referring to the hypers haha I need something for phenom ii and all I have is PSC and MFR
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