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Everything posted by Stermy57

  1. @Genieben hello you told me hier: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=67632&page=3 that I could contact you to upload aquamark's submissions for old GPU's AGP that can't be run on W2K/XP or have problem with wrapper gui can you help me for this score? http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/823/vwep.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/31/a8cy.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/69/m5k9.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/838/tgw7.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/822/pwked.jpg Is a Rage 128GL http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/rage_128/
  2. I Know.... I am a bad guy Uppppp
  3. now i have do again benchs with my sapphire to increase my records but i have to put it onto rage 128 pro category or ultra? Ati rage128pro "ultra" is nothing other than an oem model of the rage128pro. it uses the same rage128pro chip and same pci dev code but a different subsys code, which is not in the subsys list of ati's driver. so you just need to delete the subsys code of "generic rage128pro" line in the inf file, so it would work with all cards under the dev code family. and the ultra clocks a bit differently: "standard" rage128pro (maybe called xpert128pro): 120/120 high-end version with active cooling fan(probably called rage fury pro): rumored to be 143/143, very rare. rage fury maxx: dual cores at 125/143 rage128pro ultra: mine reports 133/133 but some others report 118/140 or like my Sapphire 130/130
  4. Troppo buono non son così forte faccio del mio meglio
  5. @Christian Ney... I know do you think this is a bug test... but is not true i can prove it I can do a video...
  6. Thanks to my friend Caligola senza la tua mobo questo score non sarebbe mai uscito!
  7. Sorry turrican i kwon that is no possible to edit submissions after 48h. But it's so strange because all rage 128 ultra scores changed category... Not only My submissions but even of other overclockers
  8. Hello i decided to open again another thread about Rage 128 cards because I put my scores with my Sapphire Rage 128 Ultra 4X on this category: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocards#key=rage_128_ultra I talk about this situation just hier: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=46054 But same weeks ago my scores were put on Rage 128 Pro category http://hwbot.org/submission/2280347_stermy57_aquamark_rage_128_pro_2382_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2280355_stermy57_3dmark_99_max_rage_128_pro_5086_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2280353_stermy57_3dmark2000_rage_128_pro_2790_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2280352_stermy57_3dmark2001_se_rage_128_pro_1672_marks It's strange... it's an hwbot's bug an error or did you decided to put these score in 128pro category?
  9. thanks turrican
  10. Hello is possible to add these two mainboards: http://valid.canardpc.com/2893440 This is a Chaintech mainboard 478 with VIA P4M266 "ES-676M" http://valid.canardpc.com/vfqse5 This is a mainboard of my Sony vaio vgn-nr31s I made a pin mod, it work at 166mhz on default with the pinmod run on 200mhz Later i will post some photos
  11. It's so strange.... How do you run the 3dmark 05 on geforce nv18 without any shader Unit...
  12. The log.txt file show me this: [2013-12-22T11:43:31] background set [same date] Ideal thread count: 1 [same date] settings read and applied [same date] systeminfo is enabled [same date] dxdiag launched: 1 Sorry i wrote the log.txt file because i write this Message with My Nokia 520 . With it i can't post any photos
  13. thanks genieben i try it later
  14. ohh thanks May you add also the sis m661mx chipset like a mainboard? the notebook is an acer travelmate 2312lm this is the cpu validator: http://valid.canardpc.com/zmtqad
  15. I find the solution for the second problem If you try to run it on realtime mod you can't use the "manual mod". You can run aquamark's wrapper on realtime mod only on default settings. But i have found another bug.... When the bench was finished the wrapper crash on Manual mod
  16. Uhm understand... I Will test it on w2k on the weekend! So which Version i can use with old cards? Thanks For support
  17. Yes i do it just now If i run aquamark without wrapper, it work.. But i can't take the score!
  18. Uhmmm it's so strange.... Because without net Framework it doesn't work on My system.... I try later to run it on a new Windows installation and on win98se or Windows 2000 sp4 Thanks For this information... This means that i can finally run with old agp\pci cards with win98se (like rage pro 8mb)
  19. Hi genieben For the first bug no problem i do it later For the second problem i run it on Manual mod, aquamark start but when it show me the aquamark's menu i can't use any command The Keyboard and mouse doesn't work, i must restart My system. It's so strange... My notebook work but i can't do anything
  20. Net Framework 4.0 is necessary on winxp sp3, if is not present the last aquamark gui doesn't work.
  21. Hello genieben there is a bug with the last version of aquamark on my Acer travelmate 2312lm with sis m661mx chipset. When i lunch it, Windows report an error and aquamark crash. I try different solutions and finally i find a register file to lunch your aquamark luncher gui without any system info. I was happy but when finally i lunch the bench the screen became black and few seconds later it return me on desktop. So the bench doesn't start... My notebook have Celeron m360@default with sia m661mx igpu, winXp sp3 with no mods. edit: i think that the problem is a bug of the gui because the file "log.txt" says:" no valid benchmark configuration found" And on gfx information on resolution the log show 800x600 and not 1024x768 like default setting...
  22. No problem, i fine the solution... With win xp is necessary the net Framework 4.0...
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