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  1. How much you want for a set 16gb x 2?
  2. I've been going at tweaking this thing now I know that it's stable finally and have landed at 6933 tighter timings and stable so far, 6200 ct1 as well which I have saved as a profile that I can load if I want but, for now I'm pushing it as fast as I can get it to go and saving progress as well to another profile that I started. 7200MHz!
  3. I ran Extreme TM5 by anta last night and woke up to this~! Pushing again now too~! Lets Go! It passed but I clicked okay like a goofball because I was watching a show with my wife when it passed. I'll run it again tomorrow to post the pass screen while I'm at work. This is such a better experience. I'll start trying to push the 1 command rate once I get two pushed and save the settings and post the settings for it voltages and all. I'll push it further as I pass and save profiles. I had issues passing y-cruncher tweaked voltages little and finally passed it. Moving on up. Haters suck, lol. 6800MHz, climbing up. I managed to pull 6100MHz cr1 but, wanted to push faster right now and it's working for the first time ever. 7000Mhz
  4. I talked to them today. They didn't put a reason for the issue on my paper work that they sent with the new motherboard. When I talked to them today they stated that it was a hardware issue on the motherboard when overclocking per their notes, that they can not fix on the motherboard. I noticed with the old board that when using memory timing configurator that the memory voltages never did get read correctly while others didn't seem to have that issue. This new mother board, it's reads them correctly. Whatever it is that might also be an indicator that you have the issue is my educated guess. Update: Played bf2042, GTA v and Red Dead without a single issue. Ran tm5 memory test, passed. Seems solid as a rock so far.
  5. Can I has one yet please ?. I'll never get one of these because they're impossible to get without being vip or whatever EVGA calls it. I Want One Please!
  6. Yep just call them tell them the issue with it. Send it to them. Ask for them to pay the shipping to their repair center too.
  7. If you look at Igors lab's article maybe. I know Asus told him if you have a qvl memory and it is 6000Mhz+ and it can't do it it's bad. He pointed out some possible soldering issues he spotted on the memory slots. Here someone circled some things they thought they could notice were different. I didn't do this picture.
  8. From what I've read, they can't fix your board. It would be one without the quality issue. Your board is defective and does not work as intended at all. You're running a damaged $750 board in limp mode
  9. They offer advanced replacement but you have to pay up front once they go to ship it, and it could take god knows how long until they get more stock of the refurbs. I just said hell with it and sent them mine because I had a z690 gaming wifi d4 that works fine and just simply swapped everything minus the memory right back into it and booted back up to windows once I finally gave up on the apex ever working properly. I got tired of waiting for the advanced replacement to be ready and I wasn't running the motherboard anyway as it wouldn't run properly. You just simply call their support phone number and go through the process.
  10. I finally stopped getting silenced to an extent " account is still banned at overclock.net " despite the obvious paid users still having their accounts active on that site that got me banned for pointing out their flaws despite them being able to attack me constantly with no repercussions on their part. Asus has said that my motherboard was one of the bad ones and that they'll be replacing it with one that is guaranteed to work correctly but, it will be a used one unfortunately... Igors lab explains more about the issues with these motherboards in his review in the link provided below. He purchased one from a retailer and got a bad one right off the rip first purchase. https://www.igorslab.de/en/1-motherboard-2-faces-asus-rog-maximus-z690-apex-review-with-teardown-ram-adaptive-core-oc/ If you have a bad one you're eligible for replacement from Asus for a refurb that is guaranteed to work correctly. Hope this helps some people.
  11. It means that you have a bad motherboard which does not do what they guarantee it will do, which means you can get a replacement board from Asus. More info see here at igors lab review of the motherboard. https://www.igorslab.de/en/1-motherboard-2-faces-asus-rog-maximus-z690-apex-review-with-teardown-ram-adaptive-core-oc/ He had a bad one as well as do many many people apparently.
  12. No you don't have the issue. Mine wouldn't do past 5800 stable.
  13. More info regarding apex issues from Igor's lab today. I've been waiting for this post from them. https://www.igorslab.de/en/1-motherboard-2-faces-asus-rog-maximus-z690-apex-review-with-teardown-ram-adaptive-core-oc/
  14. They're replacing my unit now! Woo! They said it has an issue. They didn't say what though. Thank you Asus!
  15. I'm posting this here to spread the word and get more opinions. I started this post on rog forums. Apex Batch Issues 2021 (asus.com)
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