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Everything posted by Farjam

  1. so add another 100mhz and run 3d11 again LOL.. your what is your XMS3s version? all of them seems crap to me but yours...
  2. 4770k in this month... 1x 3325B487---Crap--- 45x 1.3+...5ghz no 1x 3324B353---Crap---45x 1.3+...5ghz no 2x 3323A543---Crap---45x 1.3+...5ghz no 1x L314B513 ---crap---45x 1.26...5ghz no 1x L318Bxxx(dont remember:D ) 45x 1.24 but max clock on Ln2 was 6Ghz what can i say?
  3. my two 3323A543 were like your Costa Rica .. failed to boot 5Ghz and 4600 1.28 also L319B871 and L319B771.. they are rubbish!!!! 4500 cinebench 1.32v and 4700 no boot
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