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Everything posted by Farjam

  1. Nice to see another living Thuban, good work
  2. Didn't know that function lol thank you, it was my question too
  3. Thank you It's been a frustrating week as all my 14XX chips had cold bug around -100 (and even one around -80), after all maybe I can enjoy a full pot 13700k this week lol
  4. Hello again Is there is known issue with LN2 jumper on Z790 Apex encore? keep getting 55 code right after enabling it (no matter the temperature) or CPUs, tried 4-5 different BIOS with 14900k,14900kf and 13700k with no luck, only 5% of the times it boot to windows with LN2 jumper enabled but at the next restart it stuck on 55 again. Am I doing something wrong?
  5. Hey please delete this, it was the wrong category of 3dmark11 lol https://hwbot.org/submission/5573034 Thank you
  6. Thank you, Really helped me out 🙏
  7. Thank you, unfortunately I have lost all of my sub zero gears, so still trying on water and air, like when I first started
  8. Hi, Is there any non K overclock bios for Z790 Apex Encore? I mean I have checked the prev pages but the links are dead as me without a gallon of coffee Thank you.
  9. Great to see a Thuban alive and kicking, well done
  10. Have you tried different core speed per cores? I had only 2 of my best cores at high clock, if I remember correctly
  11. Hello, I need some guidance first. Thank you in advance I have benched GPUPI for CPU with AMD ryzen on Intel opencl SDK, I don't know if it is allowed or not, but the scores were suspicious (didn't see any mention on the forums about the allowed SDKs ) if the scores are invalid, please consider deleting these: https://hwbot.org/submission/5286330_farjam_gpupi_for_cpu___100m_ryzen_5_5600h_5sec_891ms https://hwbot.org/submission/5286331_farjam_gpupi_for_cpu___1b_ryzen_5_5600h_2min_20sec_839ms https://hwbot.org/submission/5286328_farjam_gpupi_v3.3_for_cpu___100m_ryzen_5_5600h_5sec_672ms https://hwbot.org/submission/5286329_farjam_gpupi_v3.3_for_cpu___1b_ryzen_5_5600h_2min_23sec_270ms
  12. Thank you. I was just playing around with the hardware I had for my team
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