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Everything posted by Farjam

  1. Farjam

    The Fail

    The last chip Standing i think they made only one of them sticking
  2. Farjam

    The Fail

    another copycat killer LOL
  3. 700seconds of bench at almost 6.8..... you should get a beer for that core
  4. behnam jan in result ro remove kon va PhysX ro bezar ruye cpu va dobare test begir.. inja physX shoma ruye karte graphicetun bude
  5. maybe i was stupid enough to bench 3d on amd =)) kidding i was testing my handmade Water cooling for my Graphic cards (single and dual gpu).... Tehran--> 40 C too warm
  6. milad jan tested eshtebahe, physics ruye cart graphic nabayad bashe! please delete it
  7. nice job... your cpu/nb clock was crap like my 1090 or you did not try more Mhz?
  8. Good score, but there is no "opened result.txt" in your screenshot....you can see the example screenshot here http://hwbot.org/news/881_application_9_rules/ ......and for better score try win7
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