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  1. In my opinion physical cores are what categories should be based on for CPU, it's easier to compare. Right now old CPUs without HT are in the same category in HWBot as CPU with HT, for instance i5 2500k & i7 2600k are both in the 4 cores category. Hyper-threading is a feature, like AVX 512 for instance, so I don't think it should matter to sort categories. If a 16 cores CPU with big/little cores is slower than a "real" 16 cores CPU in the rankings, so be it. So my choice is option #2, because it's consistent with the way results are sorted in the database nowadays.
  2. Yes it does. I got my first bios working again flashing this chip with an EVC2SX. Here is the link to the SPI header's pinout, but the EVC2SX uses 2,54mm pitch, while the asus header uses 2.0mm pitch. but nothing a bit of DIY can't fix SPI-header pinouts – Forum – ElmorLabs A big thanks to Elmor for being patient and helping me out with this on his Discord server ❤️
  3. It didn't work for me, tried without cpu, with cpu, and multiple bios versions. BIOS flashback appears to be working correctly but the board stays bricked. The second BIOS works fine.
  4. I get the same error on multiple benchmarks (cb15, cb20, SPi32M, wprime1024m, 7zip) but not on wprime32m , Spi1M, ycruncher and pifast. 11600k and M12A, fresh windows 10 20H2 install, tried on benchmate 10.6.8 and 10.7.2, same result, Hwinfo64 standalone installed or not.
  5. I tried that in keeph8n’s lga 1151 comp in august and it didn’t work, even if I was using the benchmate save file to submit.
  6. Thank you for the link, I made it work on one of my AMD board.
  7. I am guilty of not reading rules thoroughly for sure, but I don't have a copy of windows 7, so I guess I will skip on everything that isn't validated by benchmate or online for now on. Also, if we don't want GPU to matter why not use the CPU score of a more recent bench like Fire Strike or Time Spy ? Genuine question. People are gonna compete for 1st place with binned 9900KS, binned Bdie and 2080ti Kingpin edition under ln2 anyway...
  8. Since all my submissions have been flagged for whatever reason it is that I don't understand, can we, for the next time, get a competition that allows the use of windows 10. Because we are in 2020 after all, and if you want more participation in your competitions, try to make it easy for people to compete in them.
  9. If you need a board with a video output for this competition, don't buy a MSI B450M Mortar Max. That board can't do memory overclocking... I can't boot past 3200 MHz, and the factory bios couldn't even set memory frequency settings. Edit : I was being stupid apparently and could boot 4133 on my 3700x (didnt try higher), so I guess my 3000G memory controller is trash then.
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