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Everything posted by Seby

  1. Yep, I tried Normal (now called Ratio OC) and Extreme Elevated (now called BCLK OC), didn't make a difference at all. Also just noticed that my valid at the time, which was just the usual unchecked, now shows as rejected. https://valid.x86.fr/emdu4z and https://valid.x86.fr/xcvpfu Idk if this is cuz leeghoofd told cpu-z about these subs or if over time it was eventually "checked"
  2. I got a run in with "7.3 GHz" actually and really strong mem settings, but the effective turned out being a bit lower, seems like a big issue with these chips when really pushing them, similar to the 8GHz "trick", but it seems like Intel didn't fix it properly on the locked chips.
  3. No, they exist, just extremely rare (this one was bought from china) https://hwbot.org/submission/5091485_skullbringer_y_cruncher___pi_1b_core_i9_12900ks_(8p)_15sec_659ms
  4. KS with circle on IHS doesn’t have AVX-512, I had one (v150 batch, and retailer messed up and sent it to me a month before launch, so it was very early chip.) maybe need v148 batch if it even exists, maybe v149 not sure
  5. Z790 Apex 0903 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ipfk965224or6n/ROG-MAXIMUS-Z790-APEX-ASUS-0903.CAP?dl=0 notes: https://bianbao.dev/post/948 (Should update to ME FW first apparently as linked on that site) microcode 15 version (for avx-512) https://drive.google.com/file/d/124urvRiyrN2x-pnBUjQexJhbtdg6iGOp/view?usp=share_link
  6. z790 apex 0031 ucode 15 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oLIKEaxRG2pztbPMsx0kURXG1fwe0fBy/view?usp=share_link z690 extreme 2204 ucode 15 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zks6QxZZBv7qHhssj8jrWmWy--Vf9ALZ/view?usp=share_link z690 apex 2204 ucode 15 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SL4xDw8R5IpiITf2An63xgKmQmt3rCSJ/view?usp=share_link
  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bt9csk7ooe2ia4f/ROG-MAXIMUS-Z790-APEX-ASUS-0031-2023-03-10.CAP?dl=0 notes here: https://bianbao.dev/post/924
  8. Every run 5452 effective except this one lol, fixed https://hwbot.org/submission/5220829_
  9. 100Mhz scope for over 5GHz signal?, and price doesn’t go up linearly ? But thanks :D, and that's not where I stopped
  10. If you've got an extra $300K or so you'd like to donate :)
  11. I was at 1.5 for everything, didn’t try or ever seem to need more
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9arl45ejqwtbsh/ROG-CROSSHAIR-X670E-GENE-ASUS-0922.CAP?dl=0
  13. 52% run at 7520 CL30, could boot 7600 super easy as well as 7400 CL28,but kept hanging loading windows after this run
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