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Everything posted by FunSkilZZ

  1. haha yeah i know, did not have the time this weekend big test's coming this week. they wil have to sneak past my room :nana:
  2. Lolzz :banana:
  3. this is the dewar
  4. damm, then its only going to be my logo
  5. it looks a pretty old one (i have inherited it from Oldscarface) btw i was thinking of black or a kind of green not pink
  6. so today i got an old dewar, i want to give it a lick of paint can you do this or may i not ? (safety regulations and others) thanks
  7. wtf dude, sick 690 pile
  8. btw how can i add the youtube video in my post ?
  9. those kingston RAMS ? yes i think
  10. FunSkiLZZ's board preparation: Playing stuff From left to right: Oldscarface and Teemto all busy setting up 2X GTX 690 :p awesome Leeghoofd and Gamer joined also FunSkilZZ's first LN2 setup, totally excited And a video :
  11. yup i know but this was on the very last of the day, and it was cleaning up time :-(
  12. @Massman : yup joined the first time, and won't be my last just diceded to go to the OC category and already found a second hand dewar i'l give some of my scores
  13. its awesome congrats
  14. nice dude , i like the stand that your bord is laying on. did you buy that ?
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