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Everything posted by FunSkilZZ

  1. on BF3 as FunSkilZZ of course
  2. nice congrats with the #11 world record mate
  3. i sucesfully flashed it to the previous, but prblem not solved. it wont even post with 1866, problably mem again (these are straight out of the package) *********EDIT******** Leeghoofd helped me out , it had to to with the ram timings
  4. oke great but how do need to name it ? i think when i see tis : Rampage IV GENE ----> R4G.CAP that i need to do this : Maximus V Gene ----> M5G.cap correct ?
  5. i'm havin a Z77 board , the link you gave me is for x79 and i found this : http://smarttechtips.blogspot.be/2012/08/how-to-donwngrade-asus-bios.html
  6. so its safe to flash it back to 1302 ? !! i am having 1309 right now !!! is the flashback function available on the V Gene ? and what do i need to do ? Greets
  7. i did that one and now i cant get my memory above 1866 (thats its standard, the max i can is 1800) before it was working fine. and my cpu oc'ing is totally f*** can i flash it back to the previous one ?
  8. yeah sorry i just noticed if you looked to my acc you already would know im from belgium
  9. can i tommorow post a submission ? or is it today done ?
  10. so what tests do you need to do for a legit submission on 00 ?
  11. great first time now go higher ;-)
  12. oke cool , i did yesterday also a bench and saw that you can make yhe screen a bit smaller , but forgot to do on the ivy so today its ivy time
  13. yeah i have the same prob 2 maybe when you start it (3d mark 2000) you can make the screen a bit smaaler that you can see the rush logo ?
  14. Woops , burping some LN2 smoke
  15. Haha Boooooom
  16. sorry guys nothing to do with hardware but i was dying from laughing when i saw these:
  17. haha LOL !!
  18. Spotted Massman with the NVDIA girls , no massman no taking home!
  19. Holy Sh** thats some oldschool stuff
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