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Everything posted by newlife

  1. I'll start with kaveri isn't officially supported on XP although you can install gpu drivers But I have the same problem although with gpu z 0.7.3 I get this and aida64 works fine
  2. Cheers, nb I had at 1.625v set with medium llc and I managed to get the core running at 1361 but efficiency was junk http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/10420589 It was sub zero ice in water in that I lowerd the waters freezing point and I didn't test the temp but from previous testing with the same mix it was about -6c but I've as low as - 9.5c with a different mix Should be a box down the bottom
  3. Beat my dice sub using a 7650k with ice water http://hwbot.org/submission/3104694_
  4. You need to install the AMD APP SDK for cpu OpenCL drivers http://developer.amd.com/tools-and-sdks/opencl-zone/amd-accelerated-parallel-processing-app-sdk/
  5. Awesome CPU man, I think I might need to try one! What temp is cold bug and cold boot?
  6. Pick up some very cheap Vengeance Pro 2x4gb 2400 c11-13-13 1.65v which have dual sided Samsung BYK0 Q die and this was 1.5v with full xmp settings and my 7650k that was only good for 2500 with PSC Also improved my 7400k sub http://hwbot.org/submission/3102711_
  7. For sub 10mins in testing with the unefficient 7400k I would definitely say it's possible because when it was running at 5.7ghz it was looking at around 10m 45s if it passed and that was without the best efficiency because was using PSC when Sammy's would've been far more efficient but using a quad core plus Sammy's would've seen about 10m 15s based on the top 5ghz sub
  8. I have a kit of patriot 2000 c9 that can do 2666 8-12-8 twcl 6 @ 1.95v but they don't scale well cold
  9. Here's that 1440mhz run http://hwbot.org/submission/3096652_ Oh and a rig picture featuring the Asus oc panel and the only drink to ever out sell coke know as farmers union iced coffee CPU side didn't as well as hoped because the board is having issues but the gpu clocks awesome Edit: Here's some 1m just because the efficiency is great vs the 7400k because of that extra cache and it scores 400ms faster with 300mhz lower clocks http://hwbot.org/submission/3096634_
  10. Because it dice I don't really know but based on a guess from previous cpus I would say about -80 It doesn't run for more than a few seconds under load, 1440 was max stable I could get but couldn't beat Gorod's score because imc is too weak
  11. Just a tease for now and cpu cbb at -60 do it's a pain
  12. That's awesome Gorod and closet thing I've had in Australia while benching that friendly is a whole heap of house sparrows which I had to stop feeding because I ended up with 20+ showing up daily Just got some dice (4kg) so I'll finally be able to find out how good this 5.2ghz water 7650k is under cold but I have high hopes Edit: @filmbot try adding some weight on top the cpu block as I use my ln2 pot on top when I use the h100 with kabini but only a small difference is made between stock cooler Edit2: just realised that wouldn't work with a ss but don't rule out zip ties and/or rubber bands but when you have the will, there is always a way
  13. I hate you love you at the same because that's an awesome score
  14. Not bad on the gpu side but the cpu side is shocking and aim for 24xx because at your speeds it's definitely possible Edit: Sammy's are one of the best ICs for AMD although hynix will clock better and keep in mind I've been using PSC which is extremely painful to run with AMD especially with kaveri/godavari
  15. I did but was only a quick run and should've been good for about 5.7ghz 32m but run out of time because I had country cup stuff to do http://hwbot.org/submission/3059804_ Was going to try my 7650k under dice today or tomorrow that I could valid at 5.22ghz with a old and poor shape h100 and 5.32ghz with ice water and 5.126ghz 32m with ice water http://hwbot.org/submission/3079267_
  16. I have a non public extreme bios that unlocks memory volts and nothing else and the A88XN-WiFi was as good as the up4 for igpu stuff without the secondary volts and is better at clocking memory
  17. You must be setting something not stable because it works fine for me and I'm using a F2A88X-UP4 and was fine on the F2A88XN-Wifi as well My F2A88XN-Wifi died so I cant comment on the f6 bios but f5 works fine and have you tried overcloking using AOD? Oh and I had a problem once with the UP4 were it would run igpu stock unless done in OS but a clear cmos fixed that
  18. Godavari are meant to be a better bin but the two cpus I've had are junk on cpu core and the ihs is soldered which makes a big difference to the volts you can run but with the two cpus I've tried don't run well under cold and one cold boots at -30 and the other -40 while my 7400k cold boots at -80 and cb at -100 Edit: the only thing I know of that allows changing timings was AOD but I had a lose of efficiency with richland when I did 32m
  19. Decided to give the 7650ka try and not bad for such a low priced cpu which i could valid at 5.22ghz with a h100 http://hwbot.org/submission/3085047_ Also tried dual graphics with a R7 240 gddr3 2gb
  20. It only took 6 cpus to find one that would valid 5ghz+
  21. It's working again
  22. Any sort of eta on this?
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