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Everything posted by hipro5

  1. Excuse me!......WHAT exactly did you expected to say to you elmor?..... Point me ONE inside Gigabyte (or outside as he claims) benching THAT HIGH! except him...... As for me, hicoockie IS GUILTY - PERIOD.....
  2. OK.......WHO ELSE benches from Gigabyte EXCEPT hicoockie in there?... Do you know ANYONE ELSE?....
  3. You have pulled it off?... He may didn't knew he was playing with an ES card.... To be specific, there is ONLY ONE IC that exists on ES cards BUT it's doing nothing more than "helping" work the Gigabyte's program to feed more VCore........I don't use this program - I always mod....
  4. He is the ONLY ONE you know.... HATS OFF to Andre for PULLING his scores off.... AT LEAST there are TWO DECENT people from Taiwan - Shamino and Andre to pull up their flag...... :ws:
  5. Let's just say I could do this with the VGA 1400/1430... and I had UP to 1.9V to feed my CPU...
  6. I was prepared to take part of this competition.. BUT when I show Gigaboost and sadness my arss, I just quited uploading scores..... It ain't worth it becasuse once again, the Gigabyte's competition became another FIASCO......period..... The BIG joke is that I kinda like hicoockie BUT after his 1M Super-Pi with his 670 CPU and after this, I don't want to face him anymore..... To be a crazy guy (like him) it's cool and I liked that BUT to be an arsshole, it's AGAINST my principals....
  7. Sorry!.....I DO NOT "bite it"...! 1500MHz GPU, let us say I could bite it BUT 1560MHz, NO WAY as for me... Users with ONLY ONE submision like you and the other guy GIGABOOST something, are discrasing the Overclocing.....Period....
  8. Thanks for your kind words M8. I appriciate it... )
  9. Thanks guys.... Yes it is doing well - though I expected more out of it...
  10. Ahhh.......Thanks Mass......
  11. Isn't this bench counting in WR rankings?..... http://hwbot.org/community/submission/977500_hipro5_3dmark_2005_4x_radeon_hd_4890_56986_marks ...because it doesn't gives me any WR points....
  12. Ahhh.......I'm such a fool....Sorry..... So it's a quad core one........
  13. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/974972_miahallen_wprime_1024m_xeon_x5667_2min_15sec_0ms I have reported this score and nothing happent till now, EXCEPT that is was SIMPLY "checked by a moderator" Is it FAIR a NEWLY SIXTH (6) core cpu be into FOURTH (4) cores category? DESPITE if the bench was done with 4 cores! I could bench my 975 CPU with TWO cores and get the 2 core WR in the 2 cores category OR bench it with ONE core and ALSO get the 1 core WR in 1 core category..... The above cpu MUST retern to SIXTH cores category - It doesn't matter if the bench was done with 1 or with 128 cores, it's category is the "SIXTH CORES CATEGORY" ......No?
  14. Heh, heh, heh....I JUST show the "Gatman" one....
  15. THIS is the FIRST Tek 9 for VGA...PURE MASSIVE cooper...
  16. Thanks guys... Let us say that the score must be another 300 - 400 points more... ;o)
  17. Thanks...wPrime needs nothing more that pure frequency...
  18. NOT yet.... ) On 25 of February...These scores are ONLY "teasers"... Thanks guys...
  19. 25k GPU score was done a LOOONG TIME ago Gautam....
  20. Ticket ID: 796 Priority: Low I think that you should check out the thing that when you give a link of futuremark - for example - it doesn\'t pop up a new window....\r\nIt takes you to Futuremark straight ahead and when you want to retern to hwbot site, you have to hit the back botton...\r\nIt whould be nice if you could make them as links with popup windows not to lose hwbot site....
  21. I think that I will "change" my vocabulary because some of you have started "knowing" me pretty well I could say...
  22. Massman.....What is your problem my friend?...
  23. NICE... ) - Though 200p more at such frequencies it's a bit hard I could say... (
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