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Everything posted by giorgioprimo

  1. well.....have soem vacation, hope to do something nice till the end of august
  2. well, still benching something, but really busy man, son i growing and everyday ask more attention....and work , is not so good. BTW I'm benching, trying to get back in top ten .....but is full of really competitive guys now

  3. are you caming back ?

    maybe i can have some mor emotivation to restart benching hard......

  4. Thanks to anybody guys. CPu voltage was 1,856 from bios. Vga is strange, can do 1525 core on 03, but cannot pass 1290 on 06, 05 and vantage. Need to test little more. Hope to have time after i'll be back from Istanbul. SO busy with work now ....
  5. at that time the screenshot was not mandatory
  6. thanks, is long time that i stopped to use D3D ......seems i have to ptest again this things
  7. finally back bro !!! mmmm can you explain your gt2 ?
  8. thanks guys ....will try to pusch more
  9. nice run did you use the " famous" thermal paste for the gpu ?
  10. i like more the assistant than the setup .....BTW nice setuo and great score
  11. thank you....I'm still waithing for the right CPU .......... this one beched 5548 cpu test and 6050 gt1 gt2 . BTW the vga wasreallly nice
  12. Clam down please ........ Pippo used to be an active bencher in the recently past and always was a good overclocker, always bought good hardware and besides that he is not the guy who likes to show everywhere and everybody " let's see this, i got the golden chip". He bench because he likes to get fun for himself, wen he has time. The fact that pippo doesn't shown to anybody his CPU, is just related to the fact that he is not an hardware freak like anybody of us. Besides here recently he got a daughter, and he handle 2 job to allow his family to have a good lifestyle, so it does not have so much time to bench, but he still like the hardware He bought the cpu from Hiwa, just because he liked the chip. He also bought 2 980x from me as soon as they got retail, and he own one classified 760 and one msi bigbang, xpower but sill does not have time to bench, so what he need to proof ?? I bought 2 new Q3FE ( you know that....Massman don't you ) and they are on the way, I will get them next week....so if I ( hopefully ) will find a 6.9 chip, are yo gonna say they are backup from Hiwa. ? .....Please The fact that he is not so active and don't use so much his own hardware doesn't demonstrate he is a cheater. I personally know him, he is from Sicily, and the honor for him is more than any other thing. Hiwa made a big mistake and got his punishment, but it does not means that all the guys from the team are bad, so let's stop to speculate over this situation. Pippo is honest guy and this results are perfectly legit and made by him. And the fact he used the setup to make a review and showed how high the chip can go, is not a proof for you ?? well it is for me This is the first time for me to talk as team captain here, and I think that my word still count something in the community .... Let's stop this crap, please.
  13. yeah .....but i would really prefer to get 35k ...........
  14. Hi guys, it's about 10 days that is impossible for me to view screenshots and images fromm hwbot using firefox 3.6.3 No problem at all if i use IE. My team mate CISCHE has having same problem. anybody else got same problem ? suggestion ? I already uninstalled firefox and reinstalled but no change. Have the same problem on both computer of mine which I use , and it started suddently about 10 days ago
  15. i felt down from posisiton n° 10 to position n° 42 ......did not check well, but is it possible dependent just from the new engine ? or meaybe there is some bug ? ( 32 position seems so much to me ....... ) check it out please.... maybe it has something to do with the change of the nick name ( i changed it a couple of time ........)
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