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Everything posted by giorgioprimo

  1. that's why i asked ...I should be 5th, not 6th in the list .... can you check ?
  2. What is going here, is what I supposed should have happened wen I saw the rules on day one.....And is the reason because I asked to make rules Crystal Clear about hardware and benchmark from day one. After a big discussion (which I didn't like.....because the competitors can just decide if join or not join. If they join, have to respect the rules......not discuss them) was decided to allow titan and new Intel plattform, but nothing was told about benchmark, and this is pretty bad because, again, rules MUST be stated from day one. Thay could be discussed to be improved before day one, but absolutly not during the competition. Discuss now the hardware after that it was stated is not fear and respectfull IMHO. About the benchmark say "allow titan but.....let's use 3dm01, 03, 05....with 50% Weight ....is like to say not use titan" The originale strutture of the point system MUST be respected IMHO. Is not about what I like or Vivi like, or Gunslinger like. Is about what was stated on day one. The originale strutture of point system was clear : 50% vga performance and new benchmark, 25% cpu and skill, 25% just cpu...... I personally don't like 32m, and cinebench . Firestrike estreme is so "wired". Maybe is possibile to swap firestrike extreme with 2011.....but still 50% Weight. 32m i don't like, but is not respectfull to change, so still there with 25% weight. The only one which could be swapped is cinebench IMHO, with 01 or 03, but still 25% weight . About top 9 Worldwide or top 3 regionally. I obviusly prefer top 9 Worldwide but on day one was stated top3 regionally, so, again, must be like that. And again to be clear: Rules could be discussed before that competiton starts, to try to malke them better and improved. Could even not be discussed, if the promoter of the competiton is absolutly sure about what he would like to do, but NEVER and NEVER should be discussed wen competition is already going on....
  3. Well, to be honest I don't think this is a good way to make the competition. I was the first one to ask in the qualification round, to ask to make clear what Will be the hardware and benchmark allowed for the semifinal. Was told "all the new Intel platform and titan allowed". I already bought 3 titan and no sponsor to get them. Why I should by now the 780 ? Somebody told "titan allowed" after that a big discussion was made in the qualification trhead. About the benchmark i would like (but this is a personal tought) spi 32m, 3dmark 2011, and 3dmark 01
  4. so....I should be 5th??
  5. i'm done.....everything went in the worst way ............... see you on the second round .....
  6. still benching will enter last hour....to be clear
  7. even for cinebench the vga MUST BE MSI brand and Cannot be TITAN ?
  8. thanks guys ..... besides beer I stink lot of nescafe-cappuccino-shake
  9. futuremark fixed and i uploaded the right file on futuremark ORB, this is the link: http://www.3dmark.com/fs/453890 you can see there that I used a regular allowed hardware cannot modificate in hwbot because the system dosen't allow to edit a score for an ended competition. I have lot of other screen wich can demonstrate i benched with a regular system showing the scaling of the score.
  10. i would like man, you know I love you...... But I benched all the time with Cische, and he will be my team mate
  11. I'm happy I will not be the oldest of the group :D
  12. dunno if they will be enough........but I couldn't push more
  13. yeah ....still have same passion ...... but really few time and money
  14. worst performance ever LOL....... was just testing
  15. i don't think it is about ram tuning m8, have something worng in my old installation of HD .....will try with a fresh install. I did lot of run adn always have poor sccore in physics ...
  16. what is the highest clock reached on Gpu ?
  17. could be interesting if you explain how you realize to clock the memory on that bios ....
  18. Massman we used 10.6b3. I can make you sure that it is cpu temps related. We tested dozens of time: -100, -110, -120, -130, and after -120 the behavior change, frames degrees. I tested gen3 and gen2 and vga is still stock cooling. I know billy_the_kid is having same problem, and he is playing gd80. Try to ask him
  19. He means CPU not GPU. Spent 2 full days testing that. 680 lightning was on air on those screenshot. With 7970 lightning there wasn't that problem. My guess is that pci-ex start working bad with low temps on CPU, but that didn't happen with 7970. I think Billy_the_kid is experiencing same issee, I would like he give us his feedback
  20. at home now .....was really a nice meeting dunno if I saw more cpu or more beer cans LOL
  21. Till now, me and Cische bought: 5 7970 lightning (1 dead) 1 x79 gd65 (bios corrupted, RMA) 1 x79 xpower II 2 z77 gd65 (both still alive) 6 3770k (but not specifically for this contest, we are still binning more) 250 liters LN2 We hope to have something more to show .....
  22. Congratulation Fredyama San. Are those perfect storm with Hiper IC ?
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