Thank you Mr. SteveRo and Mike , that Areca 1231ML 4GB flies with x6 Acards Raid0. But I ran out of cpu Megahurtz , me needs 5.7 SB for a better score.
Hahaha , awsome NickyBoy , I know how hard , difficult and how long it was to get that cpu bro , now enjoy it to the max . All that time spent bining chips paid off , hence why the call you nicky pimp hands.
Holy Batman lol ,Congratulations you got the fastest SB in the world , 6017.7 four cores benchable , Go NickyBoy you got lots of benchies to run and lots of world records to bring back home , The PURE way.
Awsome score congtrats guys , im loving every minute of this friendly Battle of 01 , fun this is whats all about. Keep it up guys i smell 136k coming from the King