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Everything posted by chispy

  1. Bump for example to prove a point.
  2. clear example of this whole mess wich is PCMark05 its the many many treads with open disscusions thru the years about the cheating or legit tweaks on this benchmark.
  3. Please guys , continue this discussion here http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28773 and cast your vote , thank you.
  4. If you guys take for example the top 20 scores , the sub-test on every score in the top 20 are all over the place , the disparity and abnormalies going on with those sub-scores are abysmal , massive difference , in everything from low cpu clocks with very high video encoding and web browsing test to HD test Virus Scan over 2000+ with only one or two I-Rams. I have seen it all in the top 20 scores , good ones , bad ones , some legit and some obviously cheated but there is no way to go trhu every single score and every single test and sub-test to make sure its 100% legit , some people lack the hardware and thru the means of the new so called software ***TWEAKS*** make up for it on some sub-test wich gives them the edge at the total score. But when you combine both , the right hardware and the so call new ***TWEAKS*** massive scores can be achieved no doubt , that it is the clue that the benchmark its no longer reliable and cannot be moderated correctly , we need to find a new reliable benchmark wich its more apropiate and suitable to replace this old dying , outdated , sabotaged , obsolete , raped PCMark05. I sincerely believe this benchmark has to be remove.
  5. You do not understand at all the point that i was bringing with you as an example , seriously PCMark05 needs to be removed , nowadays its impossible to know when a person its cheating and when its not , and i have been playing PCMark05 since 2006 im no noobie at this , i know exactly whats going on with the so called new *** TWEAKS *** .
  6. +100% agree with you here knut
  7. Hahha , entiendo ahora , no worries i understand now. Same here my first language its spanish and i have to edit my post many times to write in english and get my point across
  8. And how do i know you are saying the trhuth and not cheating ??? prove it.
  9. , hahaha... Well if that new *** Tweak *** using that software to accellarate the subtest web page rendering lts been used and also powertoy for high video encoding tests , whats the difference between that and using MFT Software and Software Ram Disk ??? They all do the same thing they all do accelarate PCMark05 , clearly against the Rules : Under current hwbot rules , cheats and tweaks here http://hwbot.org/article/general_rules and PCMark05 Rules here http://hwbot.org/news/881_application_9_rules/ So Define by current rules , using software to accellarate the tests its a cheat
  10. This is what im talking about , http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28747
  11. I still dont understand you Gluvocio , you DO know using software to accelerate web page rendering and video encoding its NOT ALLOWED http://hwbot.org/news/881_application_9_rules/ and here http://hwbot.org/article/general_rules clearly it is against the Rules and you know it , but still you keep on doing it and have already submited 2 cheated scores that got blocked by mods, i know you are trying hard to get a good score , just stop trying to cheat your way up , i know what are you doing , have some integrity and honor at least , your credibility as a bencher goes down everytime you post a score with the new so called *** Tweaks*** , Again do you understand the words honor and Integrity ??? If your last score http://hwbot.org/submission/2192633_gluvocio_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_39196_marks gets approved then that means MFT Software has to be approved as well as Software Ram-Disks , they all are software that accellerate PCMark05 not different from the software that you use on your runs to accelarate the web page rendering test and video encoding
  12. So , you use software that accelerate PCMark'05 (web page rendering) and think its OK to use it huh... hwbot rules said: ( NOT ALLOWED ) Using software, performing hardware modifications or by human interaction altering the perceived speed of the benchmark program, tricking it to believe it ran faster and thus producing a better result. And Any software or human interaction causing the benchmark to use different calculation algorithms as intended by the original software creator. E.g. replacing the codec or browser in PCMark2005.
  13. I completely understand you Scott , but there is only one way out of this mess called PCMark05 and thats removing it completely , we all going to suffer the consequences and loose points , but like i said before i had my greatest and most fun times benching it for many many years but its time to let go. This is ridicously waaayyy out of hand now , hwbot needs to make a desicion asap , hwbot its too deep in this mess already and there is no turning back , they have allowed the rules to be broken without even known it.
  14. I dont mind at all loosing all my points i have made tru many years benching it , neither the thousands and thousands of US Dollars $$$$$$$ i had spent in Storage gear , Raid Cards , SSDs , I-Rams , Acards , Seagate Cheetas 15k drives , mobos , VGAs , bining cpus for this benchmark , Ram , LN2 its very expensive in Puerto Rico $165US Dollars for 35L dewar , H2O gear etc... To get decent scores for the past 6 years on this benchmark , remove this benchmark its the only way to go , now i realize that it will be immpossible to moderate with all the new so called ***TWEAKS*** (that are cheat in disguise and nothing more) , you cannot really tell the real tweak from the dirty cheat , immposible for anyone to know , so , let it go hwbot please just let it go and completely remove PCMark05 , i had my fun with it tru the years but its no fun anymore . Please remove it , all of the mods knows its immpossible to moderate.
  15. Thank you for voting guys , very strong and valid points you guys bring to the table. It is very sad seen how low the integrity of many benchers has go just for a few points ( software for webpage test manipulation , Powertoy software video encoding test manipulation , MipMap software pixel shader test manipulation , Software Ram-Disk for very high HDD Virus scan test Manipulation , Using different browsers for high scores webpage test , changing windows media Player with other players etc.... etc... i can go on and on and on with what i am seen right now with PCMark05 , but where does it ends ??? , where Personal integrity have go for PCMark05 benchers ??? Sad indeed .
  16. Poll has been made to decide the faith of this benchmark , guys please add your vote accordangly , thank you. Vote here: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28773
  17. This is my favorite benchmark , since 2006 i have been playing it , but as of lately people have started to look for loopholes and abuse those loopholes to get Very high scores , too much tinkering and manipulation of each test with the benchmark and too many programs running in the background (manipulating how pcmark05 scores) does not make any sense at all since its giving you an artificially (false) very high scores wich does not represent a real and legit score ,Now Its not PCMark05 running as it was meant to be run , Now its all about what program can i find to cheat the score lol. I had it with this BS , Massman please remove this benchmark from hwbot or make new revised and stronger Rules for PCMark05 , otherwise i dont see any real use of this benchmark in hwbot since you can run this bench cheating your way up to 40K + just using (cheat) background programs that manage (tinkering) how PCMark05 its running and scores , that alone break the rules and integrity of this benchmark. Sad very Sad the way its going for us long time players of this benchmark. Please guys vote accordangly and thank you in advanced , lets decide once and for all the faith of this benchmark. Regards: Angelo.
  18. Please mods delete this tread , as i made a new tread with poll added , sorry for the mistake and thank you in advanced. Regards: Angelo.
  19. You catch my drift , This is my favorite benchmark , since 2006 i have been playing it , but as of lately people have started to look for loopholes and abuse those loopholes to get Very high scores , too much tinkering and manipulation of each test with the benchmark and too many programs running in the background (manipulating how pcmark05 scores) does not make any sense at all since its giving you an artificially (a false) very high scores wich does not represent a real and legit score , Its not PCMark05 running as it was supposed to be run , Now its all about what program can i find to cheat the score lol. I had it with this BS , Massman please remove this benchmark from hwbot or make new revised and stronger Rules for PCMark05 , otherwise i dont see any real use of this benchmark in hwbot since you can run this bench cheating your way up to 40K + just using background programs that manage (tinkering) how PCMark05 its runnng , that alone break the rules and integrity of this benchmark:(. Sad very Sad the way its going for us long time players of this benchmark
  20. If you post that score and its approved , i will submit a 60k score and it shall be approved too .
  21. Thank you Mr. SteveRo ,you how hard and how many hours it takes to pull a good score.
  22. , just testing new tweaks and stuff , not over yet.
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