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Everything posted by chispy

  1. You need to have xp 32bit SP3 on installation cd to be able to install that OS on MVE , otherwise it wont install at all , i did the same mistake like you , it was until i did a SP3 Installation CD that the BSOD error was fixed and only then i was able to install xp 32bit. Good Luck. Regards: Angelo
  2. Hi Gino my good old friend ,indeed i got more fun with old cards than with the latest and newest cards , just volt mod add chilled water or LN2 and its a lot of fun even when they die on you ,take care bro. Regards: Angelo
  3. Hi Pieter , you got PM , please i would like an answer to the the PM sent. Check your PM. Thank you in advanced.


    Regards: Angelo

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  4. **Update** Now it is Fully working with this new version of GPUZ , it shows SLI enable and everything working and activated correctly. Tested quickly on my Asus P8Z77-V LK , will test on my Asus Maximus V later , thank you for the support and the fix so fast , apretiated. See attached screenshot of Windows XP x32bit with latest whql 306.81 installed , also tested quickly on W7 x64bit and its working correctly no problems at all on any of the OS and no more bugs to report , fixed. Kind Regards: Angelo
  5. hehehe ... Awsome score Vince , congrats bro. Amazing card !
  6. Hi Turrican and thanks for replying , It does not work as i did try that already many times, no matter how many GPZ tabs i tried to open from the first GPU or second GPU drop down menu it will only show sli disable , it does not show sli enabled in GPUZ no matter what i do. Regards: Angelo
  7. Yep thats Knut , last time we met and bench together was a couple of years back , in Vince deep freeze lab Michigan USA , Vince , Mike (Gunslnger ) and my jaw dropped to the floor when we saw the ammount of hardware this guy broght to the benching session , 4 or 5 Duffle Bags and many suitcases full of Hardware , i have never seen a pile upon a pile of hundreds of cpus , vgas and memory stack in my life ever , no words can describe it , you got to see it to believe it. The men its trully to be admire for dedication and flawless reputation. Thumbs up to my brother Knut :celebration:
  8. hahhahaha .... Kenny ! @Eeky , so its not a new bug then ? am i right since this bug happenned to you before on P67 and 580 , Definitely GPUZ bug. Tx for the feedback . Kind Regards: Angelo
  9. Hi kenny , are you having the same problems ? Yep its a Bug ! Thank you for reassuring this is a bug.
  10. Hi , good day guys , i have found a Bug in GPUZ running SLI. I have been doing some testing for the last few weeks using MVE , MVG and 2x 8800GTX SLI, I have tried to use old drivers but i ran into a lot of trouble and i was unable to activate SLI in good old drivers in XP32 or W7x64 on Z77 chipset even when GPUZ shows SLI Available there was no option in Nvidia control pannel to activate SLI. I started testing latest and new drivers 2xx drivers family and 3xx drivers family , finally i was able to activate sli in control panel with newer drivers but GPUZ shows SLI disable eventhought SLI it is activated and fully working. Just a heads up of this bug on Z77 and new drivers with GPUZ while using old 8800GTX VGAs. Maybe a bug report to GPUZ maker would be the best option to a fix for this Bug. Kind regards: Angelo
  11. Hi , maybe someone could shed some light on the low score bug using the hwbot wrapper , for the last 2 weeks i have tried to get a decent score in AM3 using 2x 8800GTX and IB, w7x64 get lower results than in windows xp32bit , i loose 30k using W7x64 with old cards. I went thru a nightmare last night when i finally overcame the .net 4 bug , i ran AM3 on xp32bit testing many many hours on air and water before i went cold , the discrepancies in the scores was abysmal and horrible while using the hwbot wrapper , started using the same clocks on cpu , mem and gpu nothing changed for the testing , my first run score was 306k then second time i ran am3 sore was 242k ??? , i reboot and ran again same clocks ran am3 score was 248k ??? I change am3 exe. name and rename it aquamart , reboot it ran am3 again score was 302k , ran again without rebooting second run was 242k again. I kept rebotting and renaming am3 .exe for each reboot and first reboot scored kept gettng slower and slower went from 306 to 302k to 248k to 242 , so many discrepancies on this Bench in the scores while using the hwbot wrapper why ? tested not using the wrapper and the scores always were online right at ~306k , how can i fix this low bug runs on AM3 running xp32bit ? It happens while using the wrapper only. If the staff wants i saved many many files and i can send it to you guys to check and verify this is a true bug in the wrapper. I waisted 20L of LN2 trying to get a decent score but the Low Bug was there all the time no matter what i do , i could not get a normal score while under cold due to this bug , i got frustrated and stopped running AM3 last nigh , it was a waste of time , i ended up playing 01 instead for some fun and it 01 was scoring normal and behaving as it should be , so my problem is and the answer that im looking for is , How to fix this Low Bug socres in AM3 using xp32bit ? any guidance and help will be greatly appretiated. I have been a long time out of benching but as im trying little by little to comeback i found myself puzzle by this new found Bug that i encounter. Thank you in advanced. Kind Regards: Angelo
  12. Hi my friend Gerald , im just having some fun as everyone else with this Bench ,Im back and this time i come with an open mind
  13. Hola Mr. M.Beir muy bien gracias , saludos !

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  14. Hola long time good friend , yes im back , could not resist and i got that itch again after such a long time , im happy to be back !
  15. Hondacity you got a very important PM , answer me asap.

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  16. The 220 cap is staying ??? Bad Desision Bad, we are still back in 2007 ??? Seems that after many years we stil gotta hold back our hardware ??? This is Completely unacceptable by me and goes after what overclocking its all about and the principles of whats overclocking. Im out of this game then and i wont play it anymore ,very unffair to keep the 220 cap and to add the other new rules , have fun everyone i will fade away now , I have a NewBorn Baby about to come into this world , Now i will spend all my time with new Baby and maybe leave hwbot and never come back , theres a time in life when we got to move on ... Ill go back to my old hobbie or find me a new one , overclocking does not apeal to me anymore and i am no longer interested. Sincerely Dissapointed: Angelo.
  17. Good Day Massman Please Let Us know as soon as a desision its made. Kind Regards: Angelo.
  18. Massman you got a very good set of rules there in your Proposal, it will work only if the 220 xp start up cap its removed completely. If you keep xp start up 220 cap , the benchmark will be worthless and not reflecting real time performance of todays hardware , it's totally against everything overclocking is about , also going by the same analogy you will have to place a cap on most of the sub-tests or it will be very unfair if you do not update the xp 220 cap start up and remove it completely. This looks great: " - No ramdisk or MFT software allowed - XP startup cap removed - Benchmark must run on default web browser (Internet Explorer, any version) and default audio/video codec - Browser enhancement tweaks such as disabling/removing features, plugins, make-up etc are allowed - Audio and video codec tweaks are allowed. Powertoy is, as GUI for the registry, allowed " I believe thats the best option , either that or remove it completely.
  19. Thank you very much Turrican for the update , much appretiated.
  20. Congratulation guys , job well done , monster card , keep it alive please.
  21. Has hwbot taken any actions yet , please i would like to hear if theres an update or a plan, Massman or RichBastard please update the community ? Has been 8 days since we started the poll and no action has been taken yet ??? Regareds: Angelo
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