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Everything posted by miahallen

  1. @ Hollywood - I only had 5L of LN2 and was focused on CPU speed for this test....more to come
  2. Very impressive Andre :clap: Do you think the score is possible with only two cards on air? I think so
  3. I re-created my sig after recieving some critacism recently. I think open disclosure is the right thing.
  4. I know I am not the first one with this idea, I'm not claiming originality....but I think the poll is much more appropriate than Bill's, and I though the timing was right for posing it formally. :up: @ BZ, FYI....I don't think Deanzo is sponsored but you can add my name to your list
  5. Yup, all tough questions/problems. Hopefully we can work through the issues and come to a point where this will move things forward
  6. I think a more appropriate poll would be whether or not to create two leagues...ametures & pros (sponsored or not). Or to leave it how it is. k|ngp|n originally came up with the idea of forgoing the points ranking for those sponsored, but then changed his mind (I guess :shrug:). The idea was for him and others with connections to have a platform to show thier stuff, whithout activly competing for rank. This was implemented via the "Do NOT participate in hwbot rankings" option. This idea was slightly flawed because many of the "pro" guys are still in it for the competition....not just the show. So now if they want to compete, they're forced to compete against "ametures". IMHO - Having multiple classes gives everyone a more (not perfect) level playing field, and like all other professional sports, it is the way forward. I know, I know....."how would you enforce it?".....will be the next question. Obviously it would require the honor system. This is why the "Do NOT participate in hwbot rankings" option is currently optional....becasue enforcing it would be impossible. But like I said before....if you gave the pro league an option to continue actively competing, I think that would be enough incentive for them to honor new class rules.
  7. Nice score bro...had mobo problems today...so you're safe from me for at least a week
  8. Nice stuff....that CPU still alive LOL
  9. Smokin.....my reign in the top ten didn't last long Good job Bart
  10. Well....very nice bro....but I'm all out of backups for now Will bench this chip again tomorrow I've got my work cut out for me!
  11. Thanks to Gigabyte Japan for the LN2!
  12. Thanks to Gigabyte Japan for the LN2!
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