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Everything posted by miahallen

  1. What's your point?....there is nothing in the rules preventing two members from the same team using the same kind of hardware...it happens on nearly every team all the time.
  2. This is the worst logic I've ever hear out of you Punish the honest to discourage the dishonest? Seriously? Do you really think that people who would consider being dishonest would wait to see results like these? That reasoning is absurd! Just have dejo & his daughter post a link to this thread in the comments section of his/her submissions in case anyone is questioning their results? Then, in the future, when you find someone doing what you're worried about...ban them and be done with it!
  3. LOL....I've never run 2K
  4. Thanks man.....wasn't really tryin though. This chip (D1) just quits any faster....my first retail is on the way, hopefully it'll do better.
  5. Great....I'll test on my GBT boards ASAP.....I'm a bit tied up writing reviews ATM
  6. Thanks for posting SoF :toast:
  7. I just got done building a new stripped 01 build with SP3 slipstreamed in. I loaded up with 182.50 drivers and a GTX 285 Still running the 2600K EXACT SAME ISSUE Yes, this was with 2600K & 580... Even though support has been dropped, we do appreciate your comments on the matter, thanks YGPM
  8. Posted here: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=10880
      • 1
      • Sad
  9. Mine is D1 :-/
  10. So I tested on the Maximus IV Extreme and stability got worse. I can't even get into Windows over 5GHz anymore. With the new BIOS, this is the only change I saw, and I tried enabling & disabling to no effect....either way clocks are worse for me than with 0504
  11. Thanks for posting Pieter....I'll test tonight
  12. Thats why I posted my question here, and not at FM Tried that already...build is brand new. When I delete the file then click the button to open the details again...the file re-creates itself. This is the BZ XP build.....I think I'm gonna try another build, I think it's the first time I've ever tried to run 01 on his OS.
  13. Anyone ever seen this before? I cannot submit my result with this problem
  14. Any updates on this HWBot?
  15. If anyone is interested in following my work, please do so here, thanks
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