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Posts posted by Doug2507

  1. Sorry, just saw this thread.


    All chips I've sold do as I stated in sale threads. If any of them don't I would quite happily take them back but all have done exactly as stated barring any minor difference in board used etc.


    You're running setup orientated for a different kind of use. Can't compare the two tbh.


    You're voltages in that original post are fine, nothing wrong with SA as long as board doesn't overvolt. .380 was circa 1.19 iirc. Check with DMM to measure actual volts. You should be able to run 32m 4c/8t on XP with no issues at all 5g/5g with those voltages. That's what it was sold as. ;)


    Never tested it on cold though, if it run's hot give it to someone that can! It might be good as all had low VID.


    I think the general conflict here comes from the fact that some guys are heavily into newest generation (maybe because HWBOT rewards that but probably because next generation is always cool) and some that are heavily into vintage or hardware benching, and then a great number that are in the middle.


    Maybe HWBOT should allow each individual overclocker to make the choice for themselves.


    Perhaps every overclocker is given a set number of submissions and you can spend them how ever you wish. If the max for Globals is 100 (as some have proposed) and the max for hardware is 50 (as currently allowed), So every global score will cost you 2 submissions and every hardware submission will cost you 1 submission. If the max submissions that count are (throwing out numbers) 40, you can split them how ever you wish. Put all 40 points in globals (20 submissions allowed), or all points in hardware (40 submissions allowed).


    It would be equal playing field for both kinds of overclockers if you allowed the potential max points for each submission to be equal. That is why I proposed 2 hardware subs equals 1 global. If each overclocker is allowed to reach the same potential points but they can choose how its done, perhaps it wouldn't feel like an unlevel playing field for one type of overclocking or the other.


    Just another idea to muddy the waters even further.


    I think this is getting off the beaten track and away from original OP with regards to 2d/3d balance....


    Don't increase global points, smooth out slope a bit (still giving top 10 (ish) the bigger % point reward as deserved), lower threshold. Job done. No point complicating matters further imo.

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