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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. Same as regular bios. Do not flash to that bios because stock PWM won't handle it long term
  2. You will burn PWM with that bios. Stick to PT1 which has vdroop still (when you do flash it, double check that you are getting a significant vdroop on the GPU core). It won't work phases too hard and you can give cards decent voltage if you have decent cooling on them (PWM and core)
  3. What's the deal with this, who is pazza and what does it have to do with this thread?
  4. In addition to that, how will anyone know if that is actually the memory that was benched that gets photographed. that is the other issue suspect scores need third party verification almost, going to get complicated...
  5. Did some playing with SOC Force and Corsair 2800C16 Vengeance LPX
  6. i have some corsair Samsings and they seem to like around -20 to -25 these gskills are happy with more perhaps different ICs
  7. Good to hear. Solid benching dude, loving the 32M stuff from the other thread. It gave me motivation to start playing with RAM a bit today. Need more time myself to work it all out
  8. RTL do work mate, just gotta figure out a way to tune them. I don't have any special hardware, just a one of everything and random Have a look trick is to work via IOLs and set them and then start working on your CAS as well as your TWCL too
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