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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. Are you purposefully ignoring everything else that is being said or what as pulling quotes out of context carry a different meaning?
  2. feeling a bit lazy to fill out the rest of the details are we?
  3. poor M4E, even Belgian TV is mocking it
  4. nice work dude i gotta give this a shot where is your GTX295 my man
  5. i hear ya but it is the first time a manufacturer has put out a dedicated OC board and stated the main market it is made for are extreme overclockers, it wasnt dressed up into this or that etc etc, just exactly what it is and who it's for it would have sounded better if it was called a dedicated board but hey strictly speaking as an enthusiast and overclocker who gives a fuck as long as it OCs well and doesnt cost a shitload
  6. yeah that is true, there was an unfortunate delay and it's a shame but its coming out soon so anyways it is what it is
  7. obrsuperpimadnessdiagnosticmodeloosetimingandwhatnotall.png bahahah love the imagename LMAO
  8. strange arguments all round, so you guys would prefer to stick to the $500 boards even though $200 of that you dont need, OK i guess it makes sense to make more money for the manufacturer, why waste time doing this then i can see a future in gaming boards because of the extra profit a manufacturer makes and there is very little resistance even from overclocking community, fair enough the title doesnt matter, its who makes it and what's under the hood and how much you're paying for it that does imo, but sure shoot it down let's keep the $500+ "OC" boards instead
  9. i am surprised you didnt mention OBR, the king of SuperPi, you guys are finished you know that
  10. must be something to do with the bios mod then
  11. have you installed Windows Management Instrumentation software from the website, if not thats probably why you cant get full functionality of ET, either that or some bios related issue.
  12. We need to introduce the Marc "wooden spoon" Beier award
  13. holy crap you tested 3 chips and had 2x that did that buy a lotto ticket
  14. what did marc get in the last comp we did massman, you know the 4GHz one? LOL i remember it was really hilarious :D
  15. I am not very happy with you because I emailed you just last week so you can help me with pi seeing you are the master tweaker and got no reply
  16. Lol yeah it must be hardware at fault for the past 5 years for making u so inefficient, shame on you hardware
  17. there was a lot of cases in Australia where a burglar gets into someone's property to steal shit and trips over and breaks an arm or a leg and sues the premises LOL our law is fucked up
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