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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. it will be a huge shock when rev4 gets launched, i hear M.Beier is the new No1 overclocker closely followed by T_M
  2. haha cant stop laughing at "why do i have to be Mr. pink photo"
  3. lol 200+L LN2 tank in the backyard, one more reason not to have excuses for fail scores
  4. you're hanging out with goofball too much, no one cares about you two Belgians
  5. hahah who killed Kenny Congrats Kenny
  6. http://gigabytedaily.blogspot.com/2011/05/x58a-oc-shipping-in-volume-from.html
  7. damn, won't be much of a war if you have a 5.95 cpu hahah
  8. hey hey hey hey SuicidePhoenix, are you free this month, looking for air ticket deals to Germany atm LMAO
  9. looking good im sure there is more to come! Man 2500K at this clock is something else
  10. thanks guys, just having a bit of fun. i know KP will fly past this, he's got the CPU & skillz for it for sure
  11. seriously man i'm fainting looking at those tests, look at that CH, holy cow!
  12. thanks guys i think there is about 400 points difference Calathea. You will take a hit in LH
  13. Sandy bridge seems to be a bit of a bitch to OC with SS. You have to go in baby steps. do a 4GHz OC with 1.25vcore, then bump vcore to 1.35 and then 1.45 and then 1.55 etc. After than change multi to 50 and then whatever your max is that should get it to what you need. You can have a play and find out what the easiest way is to reach max OC. I just have a profile now, load that, increase vcore and then load 5.7Ghz profile and im good to go every time
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