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Everything posted by SHIMIZU

  1. Thanks guys! Next bath time will be more extreme
  2. Thank you Hideo-San! Yes,This is 2nd chip that found two months ago. Pretty good for 4/8 benchmarks
  3. Found better result in my screenshot folder Updated. 355.344s SHIMIZU - Core i7 4790K @ 4998.83MHz - 1333MHz\6-9-6-21-1N - ASRock Z97 OC Formula http://hwbot.org/submission/2625598_shimizu_superpi___32m_core_i7_4790k_5min_55sec_344ms Good work on the IDF Loud-San! Next driving is OCF? hahaha What a crazy IMC you got! Your next session will be awesome. Looking forward to your crazy result
  4. @Bullant-San Really strong run as usual. I think you'll get sub 55s in the near future @Alex-San Nice CL8 run and crazy efficiency
  5. Hi guys! Tested some old ICs! Here are results 355.672s SHIMIZU - Core i7 4790K @ 5000.59MHz - 1360MHz\7-9-6-18-1N - ASRock Z97 OC Formula http://hwbot.org/submission/2623973_shimizu_superpi___32m_core_i7_4790k_5min_55sec_672ms 355.375s SHIMIZU - Core i7 4790K @ 4998.83MHz - 1333MHz\6-9-6-19-1N - ASRock Z97 OC Formula http://hwbot.org/submission/2623983_shimizu_superpi___32m_core_i7_4790k_5min_55sec_375ms Please update
  6. Very strong! I want to see what it can do on X99
  7. Thanks STEPONZ-San, FESTER-San, @FESTER-San seems your chip can run more higher or same frequency. waiting for MASSIVE BOMB
  8. Thanks Bullant-San, 8 Pack-San!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Thanks guys! I think good CFR can beat avarage PSC and good samsung, but it can't beat 1400CL6 PSC. If you guys have a CFR kit, PLZ try it on cold and fight against good PSC! TAPAKAH Only have 4 X 4GB 2666CL11 kit. Temp was between -110 and -120. I used EK-SF3D mempot at this time(copper one) I have not tested on air yet.
  10. Mine is double sided CFR
  11. 5m55.953s with Hynix CFR. 2994MHz CL8-12-11-16-1N 2.36V -120℃ http://hwbot.org/submission/2595335
  12. quick test of 2 retail chips. 4790K #1 L418C213(2L) - VID 1.056V - 5GHz 32m 1.3V 4/4 - no cold scaling -106 CB #2 L418C213(2L) - VID 1.056V - 5GHz 32m 1.325V 4/4 - no cold scaling -118 CB Very unstable on cold. can validate 6.2~6.3GHz 1.85V 2C/2T. FAIL.........
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