thanks for this writte up websmile, and thank you and joe_cool, i can say with a smile on my face that Team OCX is back, shall my oportunities to get back at OC bussiness come shortly, i really miss the action involved, i'm still young though, a young abuelo , who knows if ocxtreme can push anytime in the incoming future for a top ranked place again, best of all though is to "see" good old friends all in the same place, and new ones too
i'm still alive hehe, very busy atm with lots of personal stuff going on, plus i had a kid, so that lacks even more my spare time, but i'm lurking here from time to time, and at OCX now too, wish old times would come back, i have lots of good friends all across the world due overclocking, that's what i value the most, i'm sure we will meet again no matter what
for thos who doesn't know me, i was the Team OCX captain and formerly team builder if you can say it so, and i'm registered before Massman in hwbot hahaha, eat that Pieter (don't ban me or i will send you killing UD9 )
best regards to all