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Posts posted by Sweet

  1. No that is not legal of course (only in this case) Christian can upload again your old screen (original screen), by the way all submission of PCM'05, until today 16/1/2013 ( this date for me ) will be "checked ok".


    Only until today this bench will be ok without result.txt, after today will be blocked ;)


    Edit: Sorry i write before by after, Sweet !!! pay atention !!! :P


    sigh and sigh.......


    Alex, I understand the reason why it was done, but it sets a bad example. Now others will try the same thing to add missing info and think it's ok to do so in this method, and then use CN's sub as an example to say "see it was ok here".


    I hope what I wrote before, in part respond to your complaint.


    your word is literally law


    Yep i hope this bro. like i write to Scotty i hope that in part, respond at your demand.


    Relax man , he already rebenched and will post the new score soon... don't get so arroused that's my job here


    All loves you, but I dont :P


    Regards my friends

  2. Guys, As you can read in the rules of the PCM'05. since 01/01/2013 is mandatory the .txt file, this has been agreed with all in this thread, where everyone can give their opinion and show new ideas to make this benchmark is more equal for all.


    This benchmark will survive if we all aim to give you a sense, instead die if we continue degrading this.


    Probably soon ORBs are no longer available, it is possible for a discharge, is a very old benchmark, is for that reason that we demand. txt on screen.



  3. Hey guys, please stop with this right now.


    There is a large set of rules to follow and we are the ones who must apply equally to all ;)


    Let the moderators do their job, and continue all of you with overclocking, again, please stop this now.


    Meanwhile everyone can read the rules of HWBot and see if have done something wrong.



    General Rules



    Rules of PcMark'05


    Yep, I know PCM, has brought many problems, but we need to contribute, "all together", for improvements this situation.


    We are definitely trying to solve the problems that have degraded this benchmark.



  4. You must not delete it. But you personally fight for clear rules and show it on your Sig, so i dont unterstand, why you didnt use it.


    Yes bro, you are right thats my faul, this run was the last i think in september run this 641, just a sentimental goodbye, for the last pcm'05 that

    i run.


    Too much hours to look tweaks, too much hours with the hdd change, too much hours to test, and finally too much hours wirh ssd's.


    You know, at this moment Pcm'05 is so heavy, so i say good bye to this bench.



    @Scotty , thanks mate, in this moment i'm so tired with the overclocking, my vacations in my job have arrived (summertime vacations), i think that i need sometime to get back to OC.


    Regards my brothers.


    Abrazos mis hermanos Moose and Scotty, and be good :)


    See you soon

  5. All new submits keep the rules with result.txt and verification since then! C.Ney posted one outside the rules, then Sweet and now rules are changed so this submits counts??? Have moderators an special position to make there on rules to keep there results? I dont unterstand rules on hwbot anymore, maybee no more rules?:P


    Now my sub is with no pints, if you want, I delete this no problem, like i write before this is my last Pcm'05, no run anymore this benchmark.


    I'm so sorry if this has annoyed , that's not my intention.


    I run this, sometime ago, this is the last here.


    Alex - Sweet


    I should have made things clearer, I was not aware of Sweet posting the requirement for FM link for top 20 global AND HARDWARE, I take total responsibility for the confusion of both HWbot members and staff, I should have had my head around this information


    I will get Sweet to REMOVE his post regarding validation requirement for top 20 hardware, as the official rule page only asks for validation for top 20 global



    Done bro, i think is not your fault, maybe i dont remember comment that in the pcmark rules, my intention was always that everyone can use this benchmark with the same opportunities, I hope this is so.

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