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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Yes gentlemens, No power Toy in this benchmark, only WM9, topdog explained me how to reach this result and is Ok. without any tweaks not allowed. Thanks
  2. Hi graphistecs, your xeon seepd is 1596 Mhz, in this run ? I dont think so, please tell us the real speed of cpu, and upload screen a little more visible, is too small. Thanks
  3. He use beer (Stella Artois) I share all the congratulations, amazing Nacho !....., well done Sw
  4. Hi, G4bri3l this reprts is 29-03-2011, today is 13-04-2011 no 3 month ago. Patience is a virtue, I have given much time for answering my question, and so far nothing, well ... the decision is ... Fyi, no one can be 24 / 7 on-line, so....everybody must wait. Regards
  5. IMO ....Ban for your avatar and.....they are right
  6. Hola KrameX, faltan los subtest del 3D'01y lo denunciaron por èsto. Saludos Sw Edit: fijate el ejemplo de screen en èste link http://www.hwbot.org/blog/wp-content/clipboard02.jpg
  7. Hi tomekk, this 3D'06 is very similar to this 3D'06, can you please explain why ? because, same Cpu, same mem, same mainboard and same Gpu. At last, same date. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2128860_kamilgrzbiecik_3dmark06_geforce_gtx_480_38390_marks Thanks Sw
  8. malk, no one of the staff has removed this submission, i dont know has happened with this. maybe user delete this ? Sw
  9. yep, I cant change anything, because they dont return points or unchanged, It you should have come as 7 e-mails, because this they were the times that I modify your submission Sorry about that Sw
  10. Gappo, something is wrong in Hwbot , i dont know why, if not return the points, please upload again and delete this, thanks And i try many times, but no fix Sw
  11. Sergio, U must go in More tab, force recalculation in previous submission (196K). should be returned the points I will, too Well...in spanish: anda a la pestaña More y dale forzar recalculaciòn, en la submission de 196 K, tienen que volver los puntos. yo lo harè también And sorry by screenshot but this is mandatory. Regards Sw
  12. Hi Faster, please upload screenshot again, I don't see this, maybe bug, Thanks Sw
  13. Hi _mat_ and splmann, this hardware is the same with this submission, or i'm wrong ? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2144454_splmann_memory_clock_ddr3_sdram_1614.2_mhz&popup=true Thanks to both Sw
  14. Gracias por tu rta. nos vemos en el pròximo evento. Sw
  15. Hi Ariel, tengo una denuncia por esta submisiòn, El organizador que ha realizado el Taller de OC. extremo, me ha comunicado, que èl tiene una validaciòn superior a la tuya, pero con el mismo hard, ya que al parecer (por su denuncia) es el hard del taller mencionado, si llegan a subirse dos submisiones iguales debo bajar la de menos puntaje, por HSharing. Por favor decime si en èste bench es el mismo hard del taller Gracias a saludos Sw
  16. Done, Ximi Sw
  17. Fixed, add ORB, and check, congratz Sergio. Sw
  18. And now, moonlight tweak ?. please iman read here: http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/superpi/rules Thanks Sw
  19. resolution ? Default for this benchmark is 1280x1024. Use monitor with 1280x1024 Regards Sw
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