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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Yes , please nazzgul, delete this score and run again, thanks so much Edit: delete by request
  2. Really not a good score (by now, i hope), but was the experience of first time use of N2, I hope do other tests with more time and better performance Thanks for your support and help, Thanks to Gigabyte and Martín (Intel ) too:) In Spanish: Realmente una buena puntuación (por ahora, espero), pero fue la experiencia de utilizar por primera vez N2, espero hacer otras pruebas con más tiempo y mejor rendimiento Gracias por su apoyo y ayuda, gracias a Gigabyte y Martín (Intel) también Sw Edit: Btw... new Team, new challenges motivating, the old "clown" is on the road
  3. Scotty and MrPaco (Frank, I think ?, my real name is Alex) is not accused of anything., maybe one run is bugged (or not), but no cheat. The staff is sharing information, to determine if your run is correct or not Your honesty and work is not in doubt Hugs Sw
  4. Thanks MrPaco , I will consult with all staff, give us some time please Sw Ps: i see this screen...something small, but visible
  5. Thanks MrPaco and Scotty mainly there to see that the Audio comp, as the video is not out of line. I have no doubt that this power of storage will achieve my good score, but trying to be fair on the subject, I think Audio is very high for 1 core. Considering that this is the first time you use this configuration, there is no history to compare. I used irams time ago ( two loaned), , but had no fluctuation in Video and Audio I can assure that all staff are watching this benchmark is very extreme
  6. Hi MrPaco, please you run again this Pcmark'05 in XP ?, show this run, and sorry but this screenshot (Win 7) is too small, i dont see nothing You must understand that, no one has used so many i-rams, audio comp. is very high compared to others, but they have not used this configuration. Run again this '05 in XP, and show me this screen. Thanks so much
  7. This had to happen, nacho + 980x cpu + Gigabyte x58-oc = perfect combination. Step by step, you grow in this sport., congratz You win two box of stellas, but here in baires Sw Edit: VGAs coming, maybe ?
  8. Screenshot ?, please G81 upload one Screen of this benchmark, Thanks
  9. Me too This bench does not want to die , always return...... Is Alive !!!
  10. Baned Ulises Hahahahahaha , dont worry be happy Is going to fix, i think:)
  11. A la zandanga como viene esto !!!! Lo escribo en español porque se lo merece, esto vale un cajòn de Stellas, si no venis lo tomamos con Nazzgul a tu salud , hahahahaha Rosario siempre estuvo ceeercaaaaaa......... Edit: good night and sweet dreams
  12. OMG...second in the world..... I send to you Good work!
  13. And this 3D'06 ? http://hwbot.org/submission/1045974_xtreme_x23_3dmark06_3x_radeon_hd_5850_32671_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/1043291_felipea_c_3dmark06_3x_radeon_hd_5870_32671_marks Same Score, same cpu, same Wall, diferent Vga ?, because one screen isnt visible. Await your response to these questions, which concern us. Thanks Sw
  14. Xtreme, can you explain to us this, please ? http://hwbot.org/submission/2157556_xtreme_x23_3dmark_vantage___performance_geforce_gtx_580_33081_marks/ http://hwbot.org/submission/2157568_felipea_c_3dmark_vantage___performance_geforce_gtx_580_33081_marks/ Too confusing, really who is the owner of the benchmark and who has copied ? Thanks Sw
  15. Hi Reggiesanchez, please upload screen again, because dont show complete. Thanks
  16. That Problem, "The benchmark....not run using default...".It is not for the subtest run of to one, only if you change something ( no default of course) 3D'01, show this. Maybe you change z-buffer, or something. Sorry but this benchmark not run well. Everybody run 3D'01, step by step, but do not have this problem. Sw
  17. "The Benchmark was not run using default settings". This benchmark is with bug or other, and..... There are many more 3D'01 with this problem, please delete and re bench All benchmarks run with bugs or tweaks are not allowed , will be blocked Sw
  18. Hi Chris, this Gpu is correct ? 7500 LE ? 128 Bytes or 64 Bytes ? Thanks Sw
  19. Hi Gilgez&Agena, can you please upload again this screen ?, a problem in data base lets not see it correctly. Thanks so much Sw
  20. Thanks so much Karl, unfortunately not run in default Res. Sorry toyone, but you must run the bench again, and use external monitor in this run with resolution 1280x1024. Thanks Regards
  21. Thanks toyone, but i cant see this screen, please upload in imagebam or any, not imageshack Again thanks Sw
  22. No Spanish, no Portuguese, I think Irani , right guys ? But you Ronaldo Speak Italian ? Lei parla l`italiano ? Sw
  23. Hi toyone, can you please upload again this screen ?, a problem in data base lets not see it correctly. Thanks so much Sw
  24. atlon por favor borrar este score (3DMark'99) y subirlo correctamente en UCBench 2011, a mi no me permite cambiar la categorìa, solamente borrarlo. Gracias Sw
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