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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Woooowwww, What can i say.... no words for this. :eek:
  2. Sorry, coolaler, but this motherboard is one socket, no 4 , please change this (in More Tab - Edit), and congratz !! Sw
  3. Hi, XxBeNigNxX You're using in this benchmark 2 GPUs ? One 465 Gtx and one 465 GTX unlocked to 470 Gtx , rigth ? I think if you're running two GPUs must be uploaded to 2X Gpu Rank, or I'm wrong ? Regards Sw
  4. yes, Barton, I do it for him
  5. yes Barton I see this. Please tell him this, Force recalculation in Tab More. I will this, too
  6. ZZLEE: Screenshot is mandatory in all submission since 1-11-2010, on the screen should be the gpu-z, cpu-z (tab: Cpu) and subtest, resolution should be visible on the screen., like this example http://www.hwbot.org/blog/wp-content/clipboard07.jpg And be careful to write the score, your score is 17173 no 171733. Please, provide a new screen with all this information, and we validate your submission Thanks
  7. Yeah, that's true, when I delete them they get angry with me
  8. ZZLEE, this score is correct ?, see this screen please, and resolution , subtest ? are missing in the ss Regards
  9. Barton this score is too old, April of 2006, maybe validation link or screen, are lost in database. Regards
  10. The last option, delete and re-upload Both Regards Sw
  11. "force recalculation", in More. Wait until tomorrow, if not return the points, please, communicate in a separate post, in this subforum. Regards Sw
  12. Massman, I change to your 2600K, for my AMD FX-55 Sandy(2004), never Oc, a beauty
  13. if you flash your 6950 to 6970, you must upload the results in 6950,, the results of 3D'01, 03,05,06, should show the resolution, Cpu-z memory tab, cpu and motherboard, and resolution Only Aquamark it's ok., I'm now validates Regards Sw
  14. Link, please of this submission ? Sw
  15. Hi, Lippokratis This processor is core Thoroughbred or Thorton ? because Cpu-s show Thorton, but the other pic AXDA2000DUT3C is Thoroughbred. http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K7/AMD-Athlon%20XP%202000+%20-%20AXDA2000DUT3C.html Thanks Sw
  16. Ok., that is. Thanks
  17. Hi Karl , this card i think is: AMD H3200 760G. for this sub. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1076475_x_powerx800pro_3dmark06_radeon_hd_3200_rs780m_core_2866_marks&popup=true Thanks in advance. Regards
  18. When I am in your country, and it is very followed , like I have written before, I never speak that way to anybody. Have many friends there, some of them born in USA , mexican and many friends with skin of another color. FYI, In my country you call negrito someone is the appellative affectionate one and of friendship. Often I say to my friends "negrito" and they are not of skin of this color. Many times i said negrita to my wife. Thinks about this, the world doesn't finish "down on the corner". IMHO, But if you try to respect everyone, everybody will do the same with you, simply.... that's life That's the way, There are no doubts Think, please VasGTO., This thread must not continue I believe, not by this way. Anyway, you choose the way in the life Merry Christmas for you and your family Sw
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