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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Hi subzero, one question, Video encoding is not very high ? or I'm wrong ? Thanks for your reply Sw
  2. Thanks guys, my english is not so good as to explain all this. My english is bugged Thanks so much
  3. yes i see this ss, give me a little time, the page is very slow, I dont know why. Edit>: at the end , here the link http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2172339_gazza30_3dmark03_geforce_gts_250_61198_marks I think something is bug in this, because you with low Mhz ( cpu and gpu) you get much better score. GT4 (Mother Nature is too high by this mhz) See this: your benchmark (win 7) in GT4 = 552.1 cpu= i7 930 4356 Mhz --- Gpu= 864/1224 Another Benchmark (win XP ) in GT4 = 386.6 cpu= E8600 5367 Mhz --- Gpu= 922/1322 http://hwbot.org/community/submission/935988_k404_3dmark03_geforce_gts_250_60089_marks One more bench: (win XP) in GT4= 383.7 http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2171596_longsiew_3dmark03_geforce_gts_250_59535_marks Cpu= i7 2600K 5400 Mhz --- Gpu= 870/1400. low score than your run, but more mhz used, cpu and gpu Imho your run appears to be bugged, but isn't your fault, win 7 and 3D'03 sometimes run bugged.
  4. Fixed, i think... page is too low, or something else
  5. Please gazza, put the link, i check this, and compare with other results again Thanks
  6. Yes, riva and gpu-z buggy, but setti9ngs are important in the screen, please upload new screen with resolution (settings) visible. Thanks Sw
  7. Hi often, you are using 2x 5830 or one 5830 and one 5870 ? Thanks for your reply Sw
  8. Road-runer, screen is mandatory since 1-11-2010, please you can learn to read, and maybe write too, and in english, or whatever you want. I dont really know if you're a good overclocker, but it sure is a person with little education. I assure you that insulting the moderators the only thing you will achieve is the contempt of the whole community, I hope by this same way so your apology published. I can assure you that this clown, is more educated than you, here, there and everywhere. I don't want to kick your ass, just want you to learn to treat people well, and perhaps read the rules. Have a nice day, it's enough Sw
  9. I do not know why, but the maximum is 4 cores, I cant fix this. maybe....you can delete this and upload again, perhaps fix this problem
  10. You dont need core temp in the ss, but if you need to include cpu-z (tabs cpu and mem) there
  11. This user is fake, stolen cpu-z's validation to others members of Hwbot. Dont allow to join your team. http://hwbot.org/community/user/agustin_ http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojas_nob http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojas_nobahotmail.com http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojitas_nob'>http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojitas_nob http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojitasnob http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojitas Until now all banned Sw
  12. Agustin / rojas_nob /Rojitas_nob , ban three times., this fake member stolen score to other Members of hwbot . http://hwbot.org/community/user/agustin_ http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojas_nob http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojas_nobahotmail.com http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojitas_nob'>http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojitas_nob http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojitasnob http://hwbot.org/community/user/rojitas Sw
  13. yancyan, thanks for your sincerity and honesty in response. And yes "Power Toy" is prohibited because it is a software accelerator and it is not hard. yancyan, please delete this score with power toy and run again without power toy, anyway your score will be very good My english is horrible too anyway doesnt matter kind regards Sw
  14. Please dont report by "Beer Sharing"............ Anyway, our friend and member of this community EmilianoHDS has achieved an outstanding record. AMD Phenom II x4 980 (four cores active) 6700Mhz with ln2 http://www.hwbot.org/community/submission/2169364_emilianohds_cpu_z_phenom_ii_x4_980_be_6700.92_mhz?tab=more Congratz Emiliano !!!!
  15. Yesterday in Buenos Aires there was a meeting of some overclockers of Argentina, where much has been said and form a community among several teams of our country. This new community is based on knowledge sharing, such as volt mods (vgas, motherboards) insulation...etc expenses for meetings of OC together in predetermined locations for members of the teams involved, as ln2, dewar, and facilities. Beer and food (like asado the best meat) and more beer The intention is to: develop the extreme OC. and the training of overclocking to enthusiasts of this hobby. Teams that are represented in the community Overclockers Argentinos are: Blue Wing Overclocking Team Tecno G&A HDS OCR Team 1 Tecno G&A HDS OCR Team 2 Tecno G&A HDS OCR Team 3 In this first meeting the members assistants were: Oliver84 Ariel.F Tsunamix Cañotes Nazzgul Zeta-Im chotonito Sweet All very good friends. here pics: Standing left to right: Ariel.F - Tsunamix - Sweet - Cañotes - Nazzgul Down: Zeta-Im - Chotonito - Oliver84 All wanted More news soon... Sw
  16. Hi yancyan, what is your score in encoding video ?, I think I see 2600 Kb / s, and that is very high, compared to others with equal or higher cpu mhz. Thanks in advance for your reply Sw
  17. Sw Edit: Agustin, por problemas anteriores con usuarios te aconsejo , ya que èsto es obligatorio, que los cpu-z sean subidos con tu Nick, los que tenes subidos a HWBot no estan con tu nick y èsto es considerado, algunas veces como robo de validaciones. ( realizamos investigaciones por èsto) Tenè en cuenta que te expones a sanciones severas en Hw. y expones s tu equipo a problemas en el sitio. . Gracias Sw
  18. Ok, Gradus, fixed again, GeForce 8800 Ultra x2 Thanks for your answer and thanks Chris. And then "go to your profile in tab Options, click on "Force recalculation of best submissions", and your points going" Sw
  19. Happy birthday, bro
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