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Everything posted by Gautam

  1. That someone is me , and I don't mean to rain on your parade, but there is something wrong with it. You can check others like NickShih for example who are significantly higher on everything, and still below your Canyon Flight score. Otherwise well done on the rest of your benching though.
  2. You're waay too lucky with 32nm chips
  3. It's definitely a WR for a Sunday morning done after a visit to a mcdonald's.
  4. Next time you're in the lower 48, you should try and take advantage of fry's return policy
  5. Come on Andre, tell them the truth. You're actually buying ESes directly from Intel CEO Paul Otellini for 1 cent per CPU. Then you get the heatspreaders replaced, and the microcode programmed to make them look like retails. Obvious, isn't it?
  6. Indeed, getting into an internet argument with AndreW Yang is Serious Business.
  7. You never asked him to do a pifast or 1m in a video beforehand. He offered to do 6.7 3d, you said ok, he did it. Now surely if he comes back with a video of a 6.9 pifast run, you'll come up with something else he's supposed to do.
  8. No actually he can't lose here Chris. What's that, 7GHz for 1M? And you have a video showing that it's a retail along with the full run? Oh...not good enough, because you could have replaced the heatspreader and reprogrammed the cpu's microcode.
  9. Pretty much completely agree with you on everything. I think that an "amateur" class could help people who have no industry contacts whatsoever though, but not much more. Otherwise the top 10, 20, etc won't change. And that's the other thing people are missing. The problem is not with who can be in the "pro" class. The "pro" class should be open to everyone. After all, most of the people complaining about things not being fair would rather be in the "amateur" class I'd think. Having to compete against the likes of Andre, hicookie and Nick should be enough of a natural deterrent for most from the "pro" class. The problem will arise in the "amateur" class, where gray areas like reviewers that get some freebies might want to be in it, but it wouldn't be fair to people who pay for everything, etc. If everyone will want to be in the pro class, then there's no reason to have one. The reason to make two classes is because people are upset that things aren't "fair".
  10. Ok Bill I got you this time If you mipmap during aquamark3, the score window is also mipmapped (unintelligible) so you can't even see a score.
  11. I agree with this...but I predict that there will be a lot of argument over who/what does or doesn't belong in the "pro" class.
  12. That's not even remotely what we're trying to say here. What we're saying is that banning ESes won't remove any of this "unfairness" you speak of. Edit: Exactly what Hollywood posted above...
  13. Yeah, forgive me. These "people" know best. After all, what's more intelligent than an angry mob?
  14. I'm with most of your guys complaints but what you're all missing is the fact that instating such a rule won't solve the problem that you guys want solved. It's not even a band-aid fix. You guys all want less manufacturer interference, and for it to be easier for the "average joe" to compete. Banning ESes won't accomplish any of that. What good did that "no ES" rule do in the Gigabyte uguru contest? If you take the GTX480 as an example, the issue isn't retail vs ES. Some people have access to special BIOSes that others don't. What good will banning ES cards do there? None. Who will banning ESes really hurt? The same "average joes" you guys want to help. Forget about the A0 gulftowns and the C2 clarkdales for the time being. Look at all the ES results on hwbot. Who have these ESes? Were all of them seeded by manufacturers? No, most of them were purchased (illegally) by "regular" guys like yourselves, on ebay or otherwise. And about the A0's, there's plenty of results with them out there that are far from spectacular. And here's the other thing. Everyone's out for sponsorships these days. When someone has an advantage that others don't, they will use it. If they don't have it, they will bitch about it. That's human nature, and it's being exemplified quite beautifully here. Quite ironic that the thread starter here is the same guy who has a sig full of thanks to his sponsors on xs. (I don't mean this as an attack on you Bill, but it's just too prevalent to not note) But, it's much easier to act self-righteous chanting ideals about the "little guy" without thinking about what the hell you're posting. You always come out sounding right that way anyways. If you guys are against overclocking being a playground for marketing teams then say so, but then don't turn around and be hypocrites and submit results using seeded hardware. Using the biggest whiners are the ones that already have some support but are just bitter that they don't have the royal treatment. Personally, even years ago, when it started with mobo manufacturers seeding a board or two here and there, it made me uncomfortable, because I knew that eventually we'd end up in the very situation we're in now. Then I went along with the flow. Now I quit. I don't know what the answer is, but it sure as hell isn't as simple as banning ES cpus.
  15. It doesn't matter Bill. If you disallow ESes, there will just be corporate retail binning. It won't change a thing.
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