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Everything posted by Phill

  1. Phill

    980X or 990X....

    If you wouldn't mind that would be great What sort of cooling do you use for testing? AIO or custom water?
  2. I've a few Asus boards here, Rampage Extreme, Crosshair, Rampage 5 Extreme, they are solid boards Althought struggling a little with the Rampage 5 at the mo, trying to run faster ram speeds than 2800, a pain in the butt lol I was toying with the X58A-OC or the Rampage 3 Extreme for another X58 as I mentioned, only really wanted for benching with as I'd rather save my two EVGA boards lol A few pics here of my EVGA X58 boards http://imgur.com/a/fHkko
  3. I don't bother with cheap stuff because 9/10 you end up spending out more trying to get the better things sooner or later This is why I have always gone along with the idea of being a bit overkill Probably why I have two Classified boards (759 and 762) and a SR2 setup in the room, along with anything from socket A AMD to the latest X99 and a 5960X sat here.. I just love the hardware and never try to sell it.. Which boards do you prefer? Asus or the Gigabyte?
  4. Phill

    980X or 990X....

    Well that's impressive enough! Have you tried any Cinebench or anything like that? What board was it with?
  5. Managed CB 15 with a 5960X @ 1.12vcore @ 4.5Ghz.. Stock ram and cache settings at the moment, but also passes in 3D Mark Vantage and I'm just trying 3D Mark 11 and Firestrike PhysX tests...
  6. Phill

    980X or 990X....

    There's a 980X on Ebay at the moment, but I'm unsure if its worth going for or not? Also, does the batch help with how well it will clock or not? I don't want to buy something that's pants cos it's just a waste of time to me...
  7. Phill

    980X or 990X....

    I'm not sure, only from what I have read, something about a pin or something, I can't honestly remember But I have my new X99 rig sat next to me, so I'm wondering if it's even worth buying another 1366 CPU or two...
  8. Phill

    980X or 990X....

    I have two X5650's here in my SR2 but I was wondering about putting some hex cores in my 759 and 762 boards, the 920's are pretty good but I wouldn't say no to some hex cores in them too I didn't want to mod them as I have read that I could mod the boards to take the X5650's but I'd rather not.. I suppose a cheap upgrade if I did use them from the SR2 but then I'd have to replace the ones in the SR2 and that might get costy lol
  9. When testing the physics test in 3D Mark guys, do you just not run the 3D tests and just the physics? I'll test my 5960X as still tweaking it at the mo but results looking very promising...
  10. Phill

    980X or 990X....

    I guess the 980X and 990X are somewhat flaky aren't they? A bit troublesome maybe?
  11. Phill

    980X or 990X....

    If only they would sell that cheap over in the UK Can't believe the prices!! Many thanks for your reply
  12. Phill

    980X or 990X....

    Or both! Non ES preferable but what do these go for?? Please drop me a line if you have a good one
  13. Looking for something complete if possible, would like something like a Gigabyte X58A-OC or if there's an Asus Rampage III Extreme around that'll be good too.. What's anyone got and what sort of price??
  14. Phill

    Asrock Z77 OCF....

    Apogolises, sorted
  15. Just also still wondering about the Z77 OCF if that has been sold or still available and postage to the UK? Please PM me
  16. Just out of curiosity, how much for the Z77 OCF to the UK?
  17. Looking for some CPU's (hopefully good ones!) 2500k 2600k - possibly 3770k Just wondering what sort of prices these are going for and what sort of speeds.. Water or phase cooled I don't mind
  18. Phill

    Asrock Z77 OCF....

    GGI78 - I can't reply to your PM
  19. Phill

    Asrock Z77 OCF....

    Wanted for collection, must be as good a condition as possible and working (obviously :lol:) Boxed and manuals etc would prefer.. What's anyone got??
  20. Congrats Rauf!
  21. Would you mind helping me out to grab a set of B die at all?
  22. I found a kit here, but wondering if they are the right ones... http://www.cclonline.com/product/188749/F4-3200C16Q-32GTZB/Desktop-Memory/G-Skill-Trident-Z-32GB-4-x-8GB-3200MHz-CL16-1-35V-DDR4-Memory-Kit/RAM3039/?gclid=CjwKEAiAuKy1BRCY5bTuvPeopXcSJAAq4OVsQcCecuykH9T4WsaKVZjukWbFEqfN-xdyA17WZhfosRoCeZXw_wcB
  23. Thanks for the help I'll see if I can find some and how much Think the Trident Z stuff looks good, would hopefully be able to get away with one kit rather than two, as using one X99 for benching and one for daily/gamer.. Figured 32Gb was a good safe amount to have considering the boards only got 4 slots... EDIT - Just found this stuff - http://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-3200c14q-32gtz Is that the stuff you mean?
  24. That might work out for the better then Any particular G Skill kit? I'd like to consider a quad kit if one was available?
  25. Having done a little benching with X99, I was wondering if someone might be able to advise a good set of ram for just benching with? I currently have some E Die G Skill that I have used in both Z170 and X99 which I was quite pleased with (as it was a quad kit) but I was wondering in the light of this B Die ram, is that the best bet or better bet for X99? I'm also after a 32Gb kit for gaming with, but I'm guessing anything would be good enough for a daily rig? Thanks in advance
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