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Everything posted by Nik

  1. Update 290€
  2. Hi, sold great Hardware 1.)6600K Boxed not delid 4,5G@1,168V---60min 4,8G@1,31V---15min Price 285€ Shipping EU 14€ with DHL 2.) Phobya Benchtable, almost new. Phobya WaCoolT Benchtable Black - Aluminium Edition | Benchtables | Gehäuse & Hardware | Aquatuning Germany Price 105€ Shipping EU 20€ with DHL Greez Nik
  3. Nice Score.............gogogogoooo
  4. Finish!!!!!!! Thanks to Hwbot and Asus. 96/95 hard battle Greez
  5. I said again, the rule for the "Formula Cup " write this: Formula series No extreme cooling (<20°C) allowed. Only Rookie, Novice and Enthusiast leagues are eligible Overclockers that participated in offline international competitions are not eligible. Stage 1 rules write this: Limitations The CPU load temperature must be higher than 20°C Ok, rules said all the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not under 20C CPU temp, never mind load or idle temp. I find thats very unfair for all enthusiast Clocker, thats not ok. Greez and have fun. Nik
  6. Its the Video online from nvf ? .............Extremcooling win (slowmode+Ice).
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