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Everything posted by Gunslinger

  1. Unfortunately I've got a big family conflict now and won't be able to attend. Anyone need/want my LN2 Premium ticket? (assuming it's transferrable)
  2. I've got one left that is in the RMA process, the others are sold. Not sure how long it takes, they've had it since 3/25
  3. I'm ready when you are. :celebration:
  4. what kind of beer?
  5. Gunslinger


    cool story bro
  6. In for Secretary
  7. When will we find out more competition details about the N. American stop?
  8. removed the "trade" option
  9. Thanks for checking, I'm trying to find another Samsung card
  10. Do you know if the 680's are Samsung or Hynix memory cards?
  11. retested last night, both cards do 8800MHz on the memory with 1.65V (1.6V is stock)
  12. Reminder, last stage of Round 1 is open!
  13. FYI PerformancePC's has Bitspower blocks for these cards. wink.gif Memory OC on these cards: 8640MHz with 1.65V was no problem, that's as far as the GPUTweak slider went. biggrin.gif I've simply not had the time to push the core OC on any of these.
  14. send it back and buy my Matrix cards
  15. I've got one in the RMA process and a 79% card due to come in on Monday (3rd card not pictured)
  16. Gunslinger


    Yeah, they played that game with my original order as well. :banana::banana::banana::banana:'ers
  17. Up for sale: 2x Asus GTX 980 Ti Matrix cards, full retail package cards. Untested on LN2, have never had the stock coolers removed. All cards have Samsung memory. ASIC's= 79% + 76% Price: $650 per card, shipped USA. International buyers/traders are welcome but you are responsible for all shipping/customs fees. PayPal is the preferred method of payment. Heatware: http://www.heatware.com/u/61643
  18. Gunslinger

    [FS] 5960X

  19. I simply flipped the bios switch while in windows, I heard a crack like a LN2 pot makes, and bye bye GPU. Stock cooler, stock clocks, stock volts
  20. Looking for the following to add to my collection: 1x GTX 680 Lightning with Samsung memory 1x GTX 780 Lightning with Elpida memory 2x 5870 Lightnings
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