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ksateaaa23 last won the day on March 30 2018

ksateaaa23 had the most liked content!


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  • Interests
    playing chess, watching sports(cricket, tennis, football, formula 1, hockey etc), benching on hwbot


  • Occupation
    business. past:sr.rsm @ sun pharma


  • realname
    kodukula satesh kumar

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  1. On the positive side, never seen such a response for any competition in recent years on hwbot. Crazy response. 166 submissions already. Probably we may see 500 submissions(cpu frequency is the easiest bench to run). It's definitely fun. I'm in.
  2. Day 1 we are @ 5.9ghz. Wait for few more days, what I said will definitely make sense.
  3. In cpu -z,temperatures are not available in the validation, if it is done private & extreme oc both selected and save the validation file. In the top 4 scores 3 scores don't show cpu temperatures. I am not pointing to any one but its difficult to check the cpu temperature. example: validation attached. https://valid.x86.fr/fvecpd videos can be manipulated, edited...depends on the skill of the person.
  4. Pls. keep a cap on the frequency for the next two stages... if possible.
  5. One more suggestion, you can have this competition in two categories LN2 & other than LN2, so that at least all guys of apprentice league will get an opportunity to compete. Because they can't compete with LN2, they are not allowed to compete in so called ambient category...
  6. First day of competition we have reached 5.9ghz validations. By the time we reach the end of competition we may see subs anywhere between 6ghz to 6.2ghz, may be 6.5ghz ambient frequency validations... One suggestion, at least for the next two stages, keep the frequency limited to 5g or 5.2g so that this competition truly remains as ambient. There is no way cooling can be verified, BUT IF THE FREQUENCY IS LIMITED TO 5G AND ASK FOR A DIFFERENT BENCH OTHER THAN FREQENCY, this competition will remain as ambient...( we are seeing apprentice league subs now).
  7. Except for cpu z clock & memory clock validations, cpu z tabs not used in any of his submissions.
  8. I have a doubt. While using benchmate, cpuz frequency & memory tabs are required or not. If yes, this user didn't use cpu z tabs with benchmate & without benchmate. Checked more than 10 subs. Coming back to the query asked by jaloliddin98... May be because as per the benchmate max temp zero...
  9. Very nice. He seems to be an expert on 775 socket. Most of his subs are very good. Almost better than most AIO/WATER cooling subs. And the name suggests that he is an Indian...(Though he is from Hongkong)
  10. Still there is a problem with points. Should get 19.6 but 62 points awarded.
  11. Please recalculate. I have finished 4th. Should receive 49 points, but in awarded points it shows 6th and only received 30points...
  12. USER: ZZAHYDAAAA Pls. moderate all the scores. Now, I have reported some of the scores... Attaching his score screenshot in the competition.
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