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L0wpull last won the day on October 2 2022

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About L0wpull

  • Birthday January 29


  • Interests
    Tearing up the sky, torturing silicon, food.

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  1. Thank for info. Very sad if we can’t tweak these CPU’s. intel spoiling the fun..
  2. It’s been fused off in the silicon? ?
  3. I have a 13400 incoming, I’m not particularly optimistic… 2022 Apex z690…
  4. PM’d ;)
  5. L0wpull

    [FS] 12900ks Sp95

    Have sent pm discord!
  6. L0wpull

    [FS] 12900ks Sp95

    Thanks just checking with interested friend, might well be good to go. Get back to you asap. ?
  7. L0wpull

    [FS] 12900ks Sp95

    Hi there, do you have Pcore/Ecore SP’s? cheers
  8. Still looking? Have a BNIB incoming “soon”.. I’m in France..
  9. L0wpull

    asus Apex 2022 z690

    Still looking? This is incoming, mint, will use a little, mild ambient, then happy to move it if you’re still interested..
  10. Hi there ? rev1, which card series is this best suited to? thinking hard :)) cheers L0wPull (in France ?? ?)
  11. All items sold. please close thread and move ❤️
  12. Sorry bru, didn’t have time to update the post, adie sold day before yesterday….
  13. I ran into same problem a while back. there were so many versions floating around. Intel and AMD. I just tried another and it was fine so I moved on. you’ll notice that all the best scores for a particular cpu will use the same runtime. Someone has done the work already, as well as finding the best batch size and reduction settings. one runtime is not best for all cpu. before you start subbing check what runtime the leaders are using, and the parameters, for your cpu. newer =\ better
  14. assume he'll selll them $500 shipped as per first post?
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