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Everything posted by rtsurfer

  1. rtsurfer

    7700K 6.7G R15

    Its okay Stefan. Nice to see Bass around. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  2. rtsurfer

    7700K 6.7G R15

    Price drop. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  3. Did you buy a license? Maybe saving scores offline is a paid users only feature? Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  4. Yeah, this is mostly correct. How? Sorry I don't follow. There has atleast been 1 example of this already that I've seen. But in letting cheaters making fool of themselves, honest people will loose their opportunity to get in the final. Seats are limited. That's okay??
  5. You misunderstand me. I didn't say or imply that you should/would use that kit. You implied that you didn't know that kits with retail SPD, no spreaders & not bought in retail, existed. But I remembered that you got such a kit a while back, so I found that post to remind you that you yourself received such a kit. And like how at that time, that kit was much better than retail (1 out of 20 of your retails did 4K 12-12-12). Just like that, a similar sample kit sent out today, to you or anyone else,can much better than what retail people have binned. As for "whining", I'm trying to cut down on that. I don't want to get into arguments anymore, that's why I have stopped attacking/naming people in the past few months. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't personally attacked you or anyone else in this thread. But if you see me trying to make competitions fair, as whining, then that's fine by me. I'm not dying for your approval. Making things fair doesn't mean that I'm gonna win or benefit by default. But a lot of people (including my teammates) are discouraged from competitions & Hwbot in general, when they see unfair stuff. Just trying to change that. Have a nice day. Bye. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  6. I think this might help refresh your memory, since its something similar to what I'm saying http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=423387&postcount=399 Props to you for telling the truth atleast back then. That's more than what others have done. Expecting people to be honest when there's this much money involved. Even though, we've all seen a lot of worse things done for much less. Gskill could've also done something by not sending stuff with retail SPD. Apparently DDR4 SPD can be flashed but Gskill could've atleast tried to be deter people a little bit. But they didn't.
  7. Wow these are some terrible instances. They seem to find a way to Fueck you everytime. I hope you get some justice man. Also, Paypal doesn't care about whatever you decided with the buyer (no returns. etc). They will always follow their own policy. So never give a no return discount or something (less declared value) to anyone. As a safeguard to dealing with unknown people, I always add signature confirmation to my packages. I've had a person try to rip me off by saying that USPS left the package outside & when he got home, it wasn't there. So I use signature confirmation now. Also make sure that if you are paying for a signature confirmation, then you use a carrier that actually does the confirmation. Fedex & USPS in the USA seem to follow the signature thing properly. UPS on the other hand. I've had a package overnighted to me with signature confirmation, because the last one was stolen because UPS just left it outside. Anyways, the company paid approximately $70 in overnight shipping/signature confirmation to UPS (plus their cost of having to replace the item i bought) & of course when the package came, the guy rings the bell, leaves the package outside & by the time I get to the door, he's in his truck, at the end of the street. That's what $70 worth of shipping gets you from UPS in America or atleast near my house.
  8. rtsurfer

    7700K 6.7G R15

    Bump Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  9. I was on the other side of scenario #1 (I was the buyer), recently ( June 2016). I bought a 7970 Lightning from a well reputed user on Overclock.net forum using Paypal. Card came in & worked fine, but when I opened it up for cleaning, I saw that the core was chipped & so the card was in the danger of death anytime (almost sure when mounting a pot). I talked to the seller, says he didn't know about it, refuses to refund. I opened a case with Paypal, send pics of our PMs, they tell me to return the item & give me a full refund. However, I had to ship the item back to the seller at my own expense & paypal ONLY refunded me the money once the tracking showed that item was delivered back to him and or if they could confirm with him if he got it back. I wasn't happy that I had to pay return shipping $23 on something that wasn't even my fault, but oh well. Just to clarify, I am still on your side & have heard several cases of Paypal/eBay scams. I just posted my personal experience. I dunno how long ago your scenario #1 happened, maybe it was a longtime ago & my case was handled under some new policy revision. IDK.
  10. Lol. I've seen some "good" (to put it lightly) 3600C17 kits that I'd call ES because they didn't come from a retailer (not bought in a Shop, were "given" from somewhere) & neither did they come with a heatsink. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  11. Well, you can use 3600C17 ES. SPD doesn't say it's ES. You show a PCB pic/ heatsink pic of a retail 3600C17 kit & you are good. Unless I missed something. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  12. rtsurfer

    7700K 6.7G R15

    Bump Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  13. This X BIOS thing raises questions for the Gigabyte competition too. Hopefully the BIOS is banned in that comp or made public, although too late to make it public, IMO. Coz if there an X-Bios floating around, then that board is not equal to the Wifi board. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  14. Thanks for clearing that up. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  15. Since we are on the topic of what Hardware is allowed or not. Are the Gskill OC World Cup RAM from last year's competition legal to use in this competition or not? Technically they are ES unless I'm understanding wrong Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  16. Pretty sure the unhappiness last year was with the IGPs dying because of the unusual IGP focused competition. I don't think people were offended with the use of i7 itself. Pentium is just self explanatory. i3 just makes the competition needlessly expensive for benchers. I thought a competition should be focusing on hardness/fairness & not on financially ruining the participants. Also a bigger heads up than 3 days would've been nice. But oh well. Peace out.
  17. Would it be too much to ask to use i5 instead of i3? Thing is, the way Intel has priced the 7350K, no one is buying it. So it is hard for us overclockers to sell rejects, since there are no gamers that are willing to buy the rejected CPUs. Overclockers would have to incur heavy looses while binning CPUs. On the otherhand, i5s are really popular amongst gamers, so they can be resold easier/with less looses. I didn't suggest the i7s because I think Gskill choose i3 to make the Competition not too expensive & also I'd get accused of a bias(rightfully so) because I have a good i7. The way Intel has chosen to price​ the i3K combined with AMD bringing more cores at lower price with Ryzen, i3s are in a really unfavorable market position right now. i5,while having a higher price out of the gate, would endup costing significantly cheaper to bin for all most everyone involved. I measure the cost of binning by looking at how much money I loose selling rejects & i3K is the worst right now as far as Intel is concerned. Looking out for everyone's interest, not just mine. Disclaimer:- I don't own even a single i5.
  18. rtsurfer

    7700K 6.7G R15

    Price drop, $600. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  19. rtsurfer

    7700K 6.7G R15

    Bump. Open to offers. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  20. rtsurfer

    7700K 6.7G R15

    Bump. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
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