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Everything posted by rtsurfer

  1. Should've done 32m instead. The WR would've fallen. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  2. Wtf. Sure that's a Skl chip & not Kbl. 😀 Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  3. This should take care of geek, https://d1ebmxcfh8bf9c.cloudfront.net/u62092/image_id_1749389.png Cinebench can be fixed tomorrow. Points are disabled anyways. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  4. OMG, Kaby results on Hwbot servers. Nuke the servers from the orbit nawww....... :banana: :banana: :banana: aerotracks`s Cinebench - R15 score: 1263 cb with a Core i7 7700K aerotracks`s Geekbench3 - Multi Core score: 24520 points with a Core i7 7700K aerotracks`s HWBOT Prime score: 7343.63 pps with a Core i7 7700K Is Hwbot breaking the NDA by hosting these results??? Shut it downnnnnn.
  5. If you are getting a MEI warning when pushing B-die. Then that is pretty common. Just ignore it. Nothing's dead. If the problem is something else, then maybe. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  6. No. As far as I know. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  7. Reflash the BIOS. Asus doesn't allow you to just flash MEI individually (yet).
  8. Very impressive results. Great Job.
  9. I have no problem with this. Neither do I encourage breaking NDA. Issue is the people trying to act holier than others and trying to enforce NDA like they are Intel or something. Its Intel's contract, if they want it enforced, they can do it themselves. Intel wants to sue people, they can do it, no one is stopping them. You think Intel doesn't know who leaked the stuff. You think they don't have some department which handles this and tracks the leaks? They do. So all that is being done here, is a show is being put on. We've got people here telling don't break NDA in public, just do it in private, because you know, that still makes you, "A man of your word". The hypocrisy is hilarious. Only the public leakers are being targeted, no one cares about private ones. How is this not about maintaining superiority.? Because the way I see it, public leakers are gonna anger Intel, they gonna crack down on everyone, to the point of even the private people barely having any info. And that is why they care, don't give me other BS. People just want the heat off their backs by sacrificing others. I am not butt hurt, and I have plenty of prelaunch info sources. I just realize that, that information puts me in an advantageous position over the others. And I would like to share that with everyone, if I could without endangering my source, but I can't. So I am all for others who can do it. Everytime I see an ln2 Binned Skl chip for sale for more than 450-500Euro, I can't help but roll my eyes. I know what I need to know about Kaby, just not worth putting my friends in danger to demonstrate to you that I know. They are not doing it for charity. And don't tell me otherwise unless you have internal Intel financial information that proves that they are doing stuff for Overclocking without profiting off of it. Public shaming and threatening to report to Intel seems like a hell of a way to protect people. The people who did the leaking already know what they are messing with. If you wanted to protect them, could’ve been done via PM. They are already on Intel’s radar after the leaks anyway.
  10. I see no shame here. All I see is people looking out for their own personal best interest. Only reason you care about the NDA breaks is because your prelaunch CPU supply will stop. Frankly, I don't give a damn. These leaks help normal people, who might not have friends in the right places (not everyone does), get some idea of what's to come & organize their purchases that way. I am for everyone benefiting and not just a select few "power users/XOCers". I just see people trying to maintain their superiority by making sure they get to play with stuff ahead of time & they share it with their chosen friends. I don't think they'll go that far, if they do, well screw em. They are only gonna hurt themselves if they are not willing to provide CPUs even to Mobo makers. I will bench AMD, I don't care.
  11. Good work man. Add some more fans & you'll be able to do 5.5G. Here's an example of what you should be aiming for Many great men before you have used this special trick in the ambient comps, nothing new. Just time to make the trick public. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  12. DJ benches a lot more than just servers, but that talent is usually overlooked.
  13. Here, you go https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/first-summit-ridge-zen-benchmarks.2482739/page-65#post-38572267 https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/first-summit-ridge-zen-benchmarks.2482739/page-66#post-38572990'>https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/first-summit-ridge-zen-benchmarks.2482739/page-66#post-38572990 Sorry to disappoint, but the consensus(according to Stilt & a few others) seems to be that majority of that 'info' is BS https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/first-summit-ridge-zen-benchmarks.2482739/page-63#post-38567022 https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/first-summit-ridge-zen-benchmarks.2482739/page-66#post-38572990
  14. The BIOS onto CPU thingy has been debunked by TheStilt, I'll link later Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  15. 5870L :- MSI R5870 Lightning (AMD Radeon HD 5870) | eBay
  16. Is AMD gonna grab Intel by the p**** here...?? God, I hope so...
  17. This is bugged too...? AMD Radeon R9 290 video card benchmark result - Intel Core i5-4690K,ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. MAXIMUS VII HERO (P.S not my result)
  18. So you people are making assumptions without concrete info & then I am flaming for pointing out that those assumptions maybe wrong...? Seems right.. Also, I am not the one starting a vendor war, just defending the vendor that I use, because 1) No one else was doing it 2) Indirectly it also makes my results (that i worked very hard for), seem invalid. But apparently defending a vendor is equivalent to starting a vendors war even though i never attacked any other vendor. Please, stop making false accusations.
  19. My post wasn't directed specifically to attack you or else I would've quoted you, instead of using 'guys'. Both Rule & Splave mentioned 0.0625Mhz being the lowest step on Asus, which was snowballing into you making wrong assumption. Just wanted to put the correct information out there for existing posters & prevent future wrong assumptions from other people.
  20. Not to rain on you guy's parade. But on Asus you can adjust BCLK in 0.01 Mhz increments *in BIOS*. I've always ran 100.06 x 50 which should be 5002.9Mhz according to the BIOS. Not to take away from the purpose of this thread, but don't you dare label all Asus 32m Skl results invalid. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  21. Not everyone wants the board for only 743.
  22. Z170 Ln2 is not happening at all. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=459940 Z270 might have happened, but now unless Gigabyte releases 50 ( pretty sure it was less) something boards on Newegg like they did with the Z97 ln2 board, this is never gonna work. And that board is considered "retail" as far I can remember. Am I the only one that sees how ridiculous that for this to be rendered useless. Gigabyte has to sell like 5 on Newegg. 5 honest people & other sponsored people having it would be more skewed that 50 something (or more, depending on how many want it) people having it with group buy. But we just can't get past the complaining.
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