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Everything posted by Bustah

  1. haha Kal, you got it. its the POWERDOG tweak awesome stuff TG, that bench takes a lot of work and I know how much you put into it, well deserved win!
  2. really nice work mate, great stuff!
  3. cold boot/ bug info would be very helpful too for ppl looking for expensive or even non expensive cpus, I like it.
  4. Good idea, it would help take a lot of guesswork out of looking for decent [potentially] batches, saving time and money.
  5. I'll go back to the original question, how do you explain x6 higher subtest than anyone else? thats all I asked, congrats if those scores are legit an explanation would clear everything up just fine. I'll give you an example, if I use wmv9 I get high video encoding scores just like you, funny that? so you see why i'm asking the question, its a valid one. btw I broke the pcmark 05 wr with a 980x using power toy, but of course its not valid so was not submitted.
  6. I showed you a problem, you are the captain of your team, hell I even linked another one in this thread.
  7. maybe you would like to check the other ones with similar subtest score then?
  8. Clowns? Dude cant you see that the subtest score is way out of the ballpark compared to others. and the fact that power toy is on the desktop kinda looks funny don't you think? I asked the original question because of the high subtest number at that point I didn't see the power toy on the desktop. if its re run with a similar subtest score [compared to others] I will be asking how, that's a normal response. no one has said opty has cheated btw.
  9. Maybe you need to provide orb links opty trooper for this bench, and no you would not get 8k at those clocks for that cpu I tested it myself like I said. If you look at the video encoding numbers for others in the category, you will see that you have much higher numbers than others. btw I didn't notice the wmv9 on your desktop before, now ITS there it looks even more suspect. It has nothing to do with the fact that its two points, if you cant see that then I don't know what to say. here's another one http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1061134_optytrooper_pcmark_2005_athlon_64_3700_san_diego_9161_marks
  10. Well its x6 higher than anyone else, I actually duplicated the video encoding score using wmv toy. it was the only way I was able to get a number begining with '8' the magic '8' is an indication that wmv power toy [or equivalent reg hack] may have been used. that's why I asked.
  11. why is your video encoding score so high on this and others? did you use the wmv power toy?
  12. It's nothing to do with the fact you are using air cooling, you are not using irams or acard or even ssd to get the hdd test scores where the major bump in score comes from with this benchmark. Do you really believe that 8k [p4 520 category] or 3k more single cpu without irams acard or ssd will gain you that much of an advantage? ...its not possible I can assure you.
  13. If you don't know you don't need to know, there are very clear indications when they are used. I don't think you cheated at all I do think the score you got is bugged or something, your score is impossible in the hardware used at those clocks....under normal circumstances. you have 8k more than anyone in the p4 520 category for pcm 05 and 3k more than anyone in the single cpu category using slower hardware/ clocked lower etc, tweaking skills alone could never give you that kind of a difference. If your score were legit I would be the first to congratulate you, but I dont believe it is just a quick look at the orb link tells me its not right.
  14. yes I don't think this guy cheated I think its a bugged run as you say, 5k difference with a small fsb change indicates a bugged run, though saying that bugged runs only usually affect one aspect of a bencmark so i'm unclear, hopefully someone can give a clearer explanation on this.
  15. yes there are well known reg hacks or media encoder tweaks that cause in particular audio and video encoding scores to go crazy through the roof. which is why I focused mainly on those two scores. It's debatable wether those are 'cheats' or tweaks. I do know that hwbot does not allow them, they are nothing new. I'm not saying this user knowingly used them I think He is probably unaware but when you compare this score with others something is clearly not right.
  16. my thoughts exactly. This benchmark is not this easy otherwise everyone would be getting scores like this. it must just be a bugged run...
  17. 23.9mb? or am I reading it wrong? im looking at the orb link. the vidoe encoding score and file decription scores make no sense at all.
  18. xpstart up low/ hdd test low/ video encoding score is through the roof, hence the high score.
  19. the problem here is the video encoding score its impoosible to get numbers like that without using the media encoder tweak tool or reg hacks.
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