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Everything posted by Bustah

  1. very nice mate, thats rocking!
  2. Lol pieter, you answered my question with a question, very good. for you what I say is 'negative' because it doesn't agree with you [on this point at least] your sterile/clinical outlook on peoples points of view is interesting. hwbot is a robot per say not the people that use it remember, they function differently and are a little more complex.
  3. @ massman. So basically you are saying if people don't agree with you, their feelings are misguided? it took a lot of time and effort and money for some folks to recover to their previous rankings when rev3 came in, many benefited on day one, others did not. they lost a fair whack, lets get that in perspective. btw im not here speaking in relation to my own team or how it may or may not be affected by rev 4. i'm speaking for the guy who [which is actually the majority] cant afford to bench that much saves up and works hard to buy decent hardware to bench to help his team whatever team that may be. if that ability or possibility is taken away then he has little motivation to be in a team. hwbot is a great platform for overclockers we all know that but this one thing is going to affect the feeling of 'community' in a big way, that's obvious to see regardless of the cheats or whingers or whatever you want to call them. @ Honda city, thats correct, but also [this is the part that I don.t like] two members of the same team in their own houses sepatately, bench the same [popular] hardware user 'a' gets a better score than user 'b', user 'a' score is contributed to the team total, user 'b' wasted a lot of his time and money in terms of working towards contributing to his team, aside from a token percentage of his 'potential' points tally.
  4. who said anything about quitting?
  5. I don't see how its over dramatising? its how a lot of people feel pieter. If I learned one thing in life, you cannot tell people how they should feel about something. I'm not the only one. anyway Hwbot will decide to do want they want to do, people will either carry on or do something else, its as simple as that.
  6. so if a person blames or accuses someone of hw sharing but has no solid proof to back it up make a penalty for constant whingers. if thats the right way to describe them, myself and many others are upset that all the relationships we have built over the years as a TEAM is now potentially going to change or be compromised because some fools decide to share hw/ share screenshots or constantly whine about ppl cheating [those with no proof]/guesswork] The spirit of overclocking I feel is dying and will not get better imo by restricting team members ability to contribute to their team as they can currently do.
  7. I would only be in favour of the decision to allow team members to contribute [points wise] to their teams as it currently stands. anything else is going to take away incentive to be a team member [aside from a select few] it seems to me regardless of how loud the community shouts, they will not be listened to. The majority of the community don't like this potential change at all that's crystal clear from this thread and other forums I have checked out. as DR.nip said why on earth should the majority of honest overclockers be penalised for the actions of a few idiots who cheat? this particular proposed change will only benefit a very small minority.
  8. Like I said before hw sharing stinks, but where there is a will there is a way it happens and will continue to happen. my take on it is that anyone hw sharing knows there own truth, they know they are in whatever position they are in by foul means, that's there s**t, they have to live with themselves, if a person gets some perverse pleasure out of cheating let them have there fun. if concrete proof is available then the penalty should be very severe, if you abuse a system based on trust and are found out, you do not deserve to be a part of it. its as simple as that. I'm pleased to see that hwbot wants to do something about the issue, but it seems to me that its an almost impossible task. restricting some other 'honest' users because of a few fakes is not in my opinion the way forward.
  9. If a team has a fair number of benchers but only a few contributing, whos responsibilty is that? its not the responsibility of the entire hwbot community, its the responsibilty of that particular team! motivate and rally your troops. if you think about it that argument is not much different than saying, its not fair, johnny has more money than me to buy parts. see the parallel?
  10. But team Finland has a lot of members...but looks like very few benching. the problem is very simple, I wouldn't want the 'weakest link' as someone put it feeling He would have nothing to contribute to team rankings, it just makes benching look like its becoming an 'exclusive' thing which it is not and never should be. But of course i'm not hwbot and I don't fully know the ins and outs of whats involved here, but I can say i'm truly baffled why anyone could think excluding loyal members from contributing to a team points total would be a good thing? i'ts very simple, only the person or persons from each team with access to the most support or biggest bank account will have the ability to contribute to His team total, therefore others would lose interest and the supported person, or persons become the 'team' The strongest person in the team is most definately not the team. The team is the team and every contributing member of that team is as valid as its so called strongest member.
  11. why are you singling out benctec? how do you come to that conclusion? people have opinions and they are entitled to them, they also have feelings, some guys will be upset over some of the changes its inevitable when they spent years building a team. I don't think you have the right to be taking peoples inventory singly or as a collective do you? maybe its you that needs to think before you speak, take your own advice. anyway im not here to argue with you or anyone else, just putting the record straight.
  12. because one person asks for ss downloads you include the whole of benchtec? nice deduction sherlock lol./
  13. you invited manufacturers to discuss where the site was going? what about the guys that put in years of helping to build up the database? the users. they are seeing problems with the new revision, will they be listened to and action-ed. I see the vast majority posting in this thread against [overwhelmingly] the team points changes for example. cmon mass listen to the people, even charge a sub fee, i'd be happy to pay it, but not this please, it will kill team motivation.
  14. I agree this is the sticking point for me, it wont help the oc community if this is implemented, regardless of who does or does not benefit from it.
  15. that all depends how you as an individual feel about your team or where you place the importance of that balanced against you as an individual. personally I do this for me and my team. brokenhearted is not the word I used, I said 'deflated' ...of course He will, as things stand he has a tangible way of seeing how his efforts contribute to His team, these proposed revisions [on a team level] are going to leave people feeling they are running up a hill backwards. more to the point they are going to feel restricted in regard to the hardware they use for team contributions, because johnny already has a cherry picked/ binned whatever you want to call it cpu or gpu. those kind of limitations in regards to TEAM motivation will inevitably lead to members feeling on the outside looking in or like cheerleaders at a game they have no real way of playing in? even a blind man could see that. If you honestly think this would be a good idea then fair play to you I can respect that, but I believe the contrary. A lot of folks took a hit when rev3 came in, but at least they had the chance to redress the balance and recoup there losses, this proposed revision will not give them that opportunity [in relation to team contributions] As for the concern over hardware sharing goes....anyone who shares hardware knows they do it, imo that is their punishment, they know they cheat any glory for them is synthetic and they know it. they have to go through life knowing they are fake.
  16. Alienation leads to separation, these ideas are bad imo. the community is speaking but not being heard. why on earth would any user be in a team when He cant contribute to the teams scores in whatever category? if johnny and mark each have a 5870 and belong to the same team johnny gets a better score because quite simply His card clocks better...mark still spent hundreds of dollars and spent countless hours trying to get a great score but his efforts are fruitless in terms of the team, mark now feels quite deflated because he was UNABLE to contribute to the team he love/d so much pre rev4.....but Mark can continue to add to his own total [outside of the team]....Johnny feels kind of good about himself because he got the best score, but feels kind of bad about his buddy mark who now benches mostly alone aside from the fact that it costs a small fortune to get together to bench. this is how I envision the whole thing going if rev 4 is implemented. if this whole idea is about finance and getting money from corperations to keep hwbot alive, there has to be another way......after all corperate support is not what made hwbot in the first place the guys who spend countless hours benching did! please do not alienate these people for example saying something like we wont have a poll because some folk don't have a proper grasp of English is very patronising. Let the people decide. I'm personally very saddened by these proposed changes and even more saddened that it looks like its already set in stone. this is our proposal give us your opinions no you cant vote because a small minority may not fully grasp the English language? eer so why are we discussing it? why are we here? .....because we are not all there.
  17. nice work man. a hell of a lot of work goes into this, well done!
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