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Everything posted by KaRtA

  1. ha, you know I'll pass him yeah. Need to stop giving him advice otherwise
  2. lol, there is always 30 degree+ heat with mine for 10 out of 12 months
  3. Did you even have a heatsink on this? lol
  4. Dude, I so wish it was. See what the next chip brings, either I am shit or every one is the same.
  5. Why not show full screen shot? Water temp?
  6. That sums up enthusiast benching right there. Delid, keep cool, all else fails, keep adding volts.
  7. Updated now. Sorry, but had all sorts of trouble uploading images. Always getting the error "SMTP: File too large" even on a 168kb image
  8. Some people work hard for their results, which many I see at the top do. Some.......well, look to take the easy way and think it's OK, no-one will know and ruin the experience for the others. Why would they delete a competition aimed for everyone for the few bad-eggs that think the easy way is the way to go because they are too lazy, or don't have the skill. You easily swayed to the negative/cut the whole thing off George.
  9. Saying to make the comp invalid is a easy excuse. You cant blame the comp for people doing the wrong thing, only the people. I am sure the Mods will use logic and a fair hand to sort it out.
  10. You don't back yourself up much mate. Not wanting to prove questions your integrity and legitimacy. Easiest thing to do is provide video proof it is possible. If you can't or at least near reproduce showing some form of monitoring, then we will all look at it as possibly cheated. Back yourself! If someone called me out, and I knew everything was 100% truthful/legit, I would show everything I could. Not saying you did cheat it, but merely questioning because of logic. Maybe a 6700k is really that much stronger at the benchmarks??? who knows other than someone checking/proving.
  11. George, stop playing with yourself. I think it's pretty evident what has happened here. You were always the first in interject when some was 'cheating' in the past, but look at you now. Sorry, but the smell of BS is strong even from here on the other side of the globe. Clean it up.
  12. I want to beleive this score is real, but alas, I don't.
  13. Also George, if you x265 is that much faster than others, your XTU should blow them out.
  14. I am with Luumi on this. OpenCL2.0 and W10. Total BS. Happy to be proven wrong. Please, prove me wrong.
  15. Constructive feedback here - Would it not be easier for all parties to have the prizes on hand before the competition start to make sure it is all covered for the end? Just disappointed. I understand it's not always possible, but surely there is better ways
  16. Did everyone get their prizes? I am still waiting! #TheFrustrationIsReal
  17. Doesn't matter what you have when it's clearly bugged.
  18. Thanks for the great competition. I know participation seemed low, but everyone that joined I am sure learnt a tonne (good or bad) and for the ambient category it was so close the whole way. So well done to everyone. For me, this was a challenge to try new benchmarks I have never run before. I am very greatful to those that helped me out in learning these, and also the bios on the Gigabyte board (I am a gigabyte n00b). This is what makes our hobby great, new challenges and a supportive community. Thanks to Gigabyte for their continued support in the overclocking scene, and Websmile as always for his difficult job overseeing these.
  19. So cold down your way mate. Good score.
  20. Great score mate, I still have some work to do. Your Graphics and Physics are so strong compared to where I am at. Well done
  21. Man, I spent hours last night trying to replicate the Raymarch scores of others but wasn't possible for me. Thought I was just missing something as it is a bench I have never run until now. Every run for me is super consistent and a good gap to the fur test score. Raymarch of over 200 on this card on ambient looks far from achievable. Cold yes, ambient no, unless I still haven't found a way to boost.
  22. HAHAHA, this is hilarious now. Keep searching that USB.
  23. You guys doing 2 epowers on such a tiny GPU? Crazy stuff.
  24. I am just hoping I can have a GPU in time. We are very bad for these low end cards here, and too late and expensive to get one from overseas. But yes. All for fun and the lucky draw.
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