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Everything posted by KaRtA

  1. Wow, some huge scores and monster CPU's in here again. Good benching so far everyone. I am having problems with memory training, no idea how you are running over 3866C12. Nik and Ziken, you guys are killing it. Wish for chips like yours.
  2. Bios 160, file not found. On another note, I am having trouble with b-die and setting timings. Some are ok, but other just end up in looped boots, even when they are not tight at all. Does anyone have advice for training on this board, maybe I am setting wrong and causing failures. I know what my dimms can do from an Impact and MOCF, and even basic timings are hard to boot. Also having an ME Firmware error occasionally on reboot. Is this common? Bios 173.
  3. Nice start George. Good to see you stepped up mate.
  4. My CPU needed a lower IO SA to normal for a pass. 1.18v on IO and 1.225v SA. More than that wouldn't pass. Depending on board, more than that wouldn't train. But worked same on both MOCF and Impact. Some sticks just don't like superpi.
  5. @zeropluszero exchange passport for 6.6ghz 6700k I'll apply for one now for you to use in the exchange.
  6. said "you can do it"! Well done.
  7. I didn't want to, but come on, look at all this guys subs. Not one rig pic and magic water cooling. Sort the shit out for the love of all things HwBot!
  8. What kind of custom watercooled witch-craftery is this? No rig pic! 1.7v on water is a fucking joke!
  9. That's not right. He's not an Aussie! Btw @Massman the rules are messed up. Shows HWBot prime but is cinebench r15. Just saying. Oh, and rig pics. There's a submission in the R15 stage with a 6700k at 5.2 1.7v on water. I want to see this miraculous cooling system.
  10. I'm fortunate to have a friend over there ATM, and is bringing one back No shipping fee but just happens to be in one of the states with sales tax. Still very very well priced though. I'm pumped
  11. I might be looking at all of this wrong, but here is my thoughts. Is there really a problem with the leagues. I think it's pretty fine how it is for main rankings, and make sense for how they are structured. A lot of this is coming from the ambient competitions yeah? So, having Proposal 3 for the competition side could be a reasonable alternative, but not sure how you figure the <3 into it. ie, is it based on how you finish in a series? or is it in each competition/round? Just asking so there is more all round thought to the implications. HWmonitor showing temps, clocks and utilization and run in conjunction with the benchmarks could be the best option for monitoring. All for the love of all that is overclocking, full rig pics, not socket close-ups. For those in hotter climates, a chiller or Ice-Bucket are necessary to get temps to compete, and shouldn't limit competitors in no-clock-limit stages for these. Hope this makes sense, trying to say that if there is clock limits, cooling is not an issue, but where there is no-clock limit, then competitors should be able to cool to the minimum temp allowed by whatever means available to them. I have to have my aircon blowing directly at my radiator to get down my ambient to 20 (usually 30°c for 8-9 months of the year), without this, I could not get near the others without a very good binned CPU. I think as long as there is a way to keep competition fair in the ambient league (extreme/elite/pro are fine), the overall league setup and rankings is a non-issue as it works how it is.
  12. Think I am done with this one. Board is so hard to train with memory, I just don't have any more energy for it. Good luck to all, and thanks for the competition.
  13. Well done George. Finally made it.
  14. I agree with George above. I think it needs to be kept simple, but there is no real way to be sure someone is telling the truth. Yesterday I sent this to a very level headed guy here. I mentioned to Matt on our discussion of the Apprentice League that I think it's fine to have the league, but also change the Competition setup in the ambient leagues to have fixed clocks. In my opinion, it makes it more competitive and less about hardware luck or deep pockets. It's more about the tweaks to educate these guys to get better and progress to cold or the higher leagues when they are ready. This also fixes the issue of ambient as you choose a speed most CPU's can run without being sub 30 degrees at idle. People can still run their binned chips for not points or rankings, just need to limit it in competition. At the moment, it's a case of he who has the best gear wins. No competition there, because a lot of guys just run what they have, without the ability to bin. I am one of these that decides whether I want to have a go at a comp, knowing full well I will have no chance of winning because of the competitors. The past few competitions have reinforced my feelings on it. Basically I just decide based on what the runner up prize is or lucky draw prize is and whether it's worth my effort to compete. ROG, Gigagbyte Winter, current gigabyte, there is a pattern, and this is what is killing it for people participating. Without it being fair for the 'ambient' category, people will continue to avoid participating. I don't care to much for league points so it's not so much of an issue, the rankings are just there really for comparison for me whether my efficiency is right or not. It is only when there is a competition with money or prizes involved there is an issue, and this is what needs the attention, not so much the cooling methods. Enough ramble. In Short Leagues as George listed (1) ambient (I'd say aquarium chiller is ok if the idle is proven above that) (2) temps to -50 so single stage/chillers (3) anything below that. And Fixed clock challenges for competitions involving enthusiast, novice or rookie. Fix the competition setup, and the cooling problems become more of a non-issue in the future. I feel this is best for competition, encouragement and education.
  15. Good time and good sticks. Why are you still in the enthusiast league? You should be going cold and stretching further.
  16. Can you add higher BCLK support on non-k processors so we can compete with Asrock in XTU? My Impact appears to stop at 102.66 (any higher results in BSOD) which isn't enough against 102.9! Yet to check on my Hero board, but assume it will be the same.
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