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The Mutt

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Everything posted by The Mutt

  1. It's only 4 cores 8 threads not 16cores...
  2. Too bad you can't enter more results in the same stage. I have hw for all the stages in the SLI stage and no one else have the time or the cards to run the other parts. Same for S775 stage but there we have a few others that will participate there. The Nvidia low-end stage suck beacause the cards are either hard to find or the same cards with different bios(GT430, GT630).
  3. Great score! Now it's up to us to get some scores. :-) I'm testing one of my Q6600 right now.
  4. New driver that gives you 1500p more? Sound too good to be true. :-) I will test it this weekend. :-D
  5. No offense, but that score i way too high for those clocks. Must be bugged...
  6. This can't be right. Your score is way too high for your clocks...
  7. Impressive RAM! And CPU ofcourse...
  8. Just amazing!
  9. You need Futuremark link for top20.
  10. Be careful when passing under low bridges.
  11. So I did a reinstall of W7x64 yesterday and I still have the same problem still, the bob80 tweak works about 1% of the time. I've tried everything I can thing of, yesterday I tried disabling services that i don't use and that did not help that problem... When you start Pcmark does it say "Pcmark needs stay on top windows to be closed to work properly"? When I turn off themes thet message disappear but then 2D windows is super slow due to no Aero I guess.
  12. W7x64, I will reinstall and try again tomorrow.
  13. Does the Bob tweak work every time for you guys? I sat all night yesterday and it took me around 40-50 trys before it worked, am I missing something or is it just my crappy old OS thats bugging? I'm going to do reinstall but I thought I would test some tweaks on the old OS first.
  14. Tested 32-bit today and it was a little better but still only 4.xx in Image decompression.
  15. Nice to see that I'm not alone with this. I'll try 32-bit later.
  16. Nice score, but you posted it in the wrong CPU class. ;-)
  17. Found the problem, with Aero enabled I get normal scores in transparent windows (about 5k) but in image decompression i get 0.8Mpixels/s. With Aero disabled I get about 4-500 in transparent windows but 22.157 in Image decompression! No solution yet, getting pretty tired of testing now....
  18. I was just testing a Sempron 145 in Pcmark05 and could not get my scores up to where they should be an after looking at other scores i realised that my Multithreaded Test 2 Image decompression test was way too low (only 2.750Mpixels/s) Why is that? Text edit is 264.515 pages/s and that seems normal. My best result so far. http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2226529_the_mutt_pcmark_2005_sempron_145_13575_marks
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