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The Mutt

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Everything posted by The Mutt

  1. I think it's kinda funny that some of the complaints come from people that have no problem spending a months pay on hw but at the same time can't even spen 30€/$ or so on a camera. When we had the swedish OC championship a few years ago the required a video of the whole benchmark running and the rig it self. And you had to photograph the cpu so it could be verified that you didn't lend it to a buddy in the same competition. Those that even talk about cheating should be banned from the competition beacause if we can't follow simple rules and understand why we can't use epower(it's made by another company) then you don't belong in it. With that said I do understand all of you that already spent the money and modded your Titans. And the decision came a little too late, that I think we all can agree on. But in the end it's up to those who organize and pay for the prizes to decide what is allowed and whats not. Yeah I know I'm just in B class and doesn't deserve to have a chance to come to the finals but I think the intention was that there might be a few OCers that could not afford the hw in A class but have the skill. Written on my phone so there are probably alot of misspellings. :-)
  2. Good luck gentlemen and don´t forget the video! ;-)
  3. I'm for videos but it does make it a bit more of a hassle but most of us have a video capable mobile/camera. Just make it clear what we ara supposed to film so the rules are clear.
  4. Haha, that's the first time! Thank's alot, I was just thinking of buying a second psu.
  5. And you can count me out, I never win anything.
  6. I think the semifinal is going to be alot harder. Time to get serious! :-D
  7. Hope not. I tried to take the afternoon off from work but got called back after an hour. So I probably won't have time to bench more...
  8. I had some stability issues too, mostly ram related i seems. 1300 could be stable sometimes but after reboot it would not even boot into Windows...
  9. I know I really was pushing the gpu and I didn't have the time to push the CPU to the max...
  10. Damn, I needed alot more volts for my result and I ran it colder too. Great result!
  11. I did but I couldn't get my memory to work at those speeds at any timings...
  12. Now I have submitted my best results probably. I don´t have time to bench more before the deadline unfortunatly... My card was fine with dice, the lowest temps I saw was -69 I think and no cold slow or cb. Too bad I didn´t have any LN2 maybe next time.
  13. Now that's what I'm talking about! Good job! I'm going cold to night so hope fully I'll get close to that score. ;-)
  14. Yeah, too bad I'm stuck here. But now Zzolio have posted better scores so I'm motivated again ;-)
  15. Not likley. I know alot of people out there have alot better results lined up. It`s just boring that nobody wants to post better results. My results are not final either but come on at least post something.
  16. Come on guys I know you have better scores, post them now. I need to get motivated...
  17. Yup, but I would be suprised if you didn't beat me. :-)
  18. Just testing the new board and getting a few results in before the 15th. Probably better results in the future, got to get used to the mpower first. :-)
  19. That´s good enough for me. :-) Thank You!
  20. This is probably something that my mobile webbrowser does but here goes: When you scroll down and select Regular HWbot and then click on any link it reverts back to the mobile version which is kind of annoying. And I miss the search function too.
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