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Everything posted by Massman

  1. The Enthusiast league has both global and hardware points. So each new generation of hardware will bring new challenges, even for ambient cooling overclockers.
  2. After 63 posts, I'm still not convinced that we should allow WR points in the Enthusiast League. There are valid arguments on both sides, but to me it still is just a matter of choosing one way or the other. There's no real problem that needs fixing.
  3. When going over the threads that were posted in the Xtremelabs.org forum, we noticed 12 did not post anything. It was clearly stated that you needed to stop by at their forums to win a prize. The prizes will go to the next in line (Yann).
  4. The idea of not giving WR points to the enthusiast is to not require the people in that class ("people who have to buy their gear") to spend tons of money to be able to compete for WR points. The rule was added specifically because people have to spend their own money .
  5. Fine, so I'll close the thread then. As you and Gamer already pointed out: it never really was about changing the rules, but rather trying to settle a personal debate. Whether or not you liked the concept of the Tones OC Academy has nothing to do with hardware sharing rules at HWBOT.
  6. We've had this discussion more than once already. The conclusion last time was: although it might be more preferable to disallow any type of hardware sharing in theory, practically it's not possible because 1) there's no mechanism to control what hardware is being used and 2) there are still many ways to work around the system (eg: selling/buying hw within the team). None of this has changed since the last discussion, so there's no point in discussing it all over again.
  7. Uncle, it's not because you still have chips clocking differently that no binning took place. Binning in this case means that you've tested all the available chips and removed the best/worst. The best you can hope for is to have less variance.
  8. Invalid. Score was removed and competition recalculated.
  9. Since Hondacity can't make it, his team is being replaced by the runner up of the LOC Americas class, Gunslinger. He'll team up with Cpt. Planet.
  10. WR points are only for Pro and OC League, not for the enthusiast league. Of course we're open to discussion. Our main argument for this implementation is that we want to prevent enthusiast league participants to have to buy really expensive systems to be able to compete. Of course, the current scoring system (which relies on hardware points more than global points), this is already taken care of partially.
  11. No way, man. You pressed "AWESOME" - just like your score is!!!
  12. Nice work with your own gear and experience, you can see it in the screenshot!
  13. But, but, but ... there are 5000 entries for the competition!
  14. Gainward shipped cards to: - me - Giorgioprimo - Hazzan - Sf3d - Elmor - Trouffman - Vivi - ME4ME I'm not sure about Miahallen. Cische is using the Palit card he bought from Giorgio which was also a free card from Palit. So, partially 'free' .
  15. Hah, good. It would've been a great display of "shooting yourself in the back" on my behalf . The cards are just like reference. They clock the same, they die the same. It's okay to do this with a free card (at least for me), but I wouldn't invest in a card just for the competition. Which is what most people think, I guess based on the submissions. What you said before is true: marketers still think about overclockers as the easiest way to show the quality of a their products. I don't think there's anything wrong with the principle in itself. It is what we do. I just wish they'd give more in return that a 'lousy' $1000 which usually doesn't cover the expenses of participating. €300 for a cpu, €250 for a board and €400 for the card leaves €50 for LN2. And the return for the event is 0,0 for the community. Oh well. Marketing .
  16. Wait, what?! Don't tell me you found out about this comp because of this thread and will now beat me as well?
  17. Nature didn't go up that high. Billy has nice DL too ...
  18. Looks like AM3 scales 0,0x with VGA nowadays ...
  19. http://hwbot.org/submission/2208981_massman_3dmark2001_se_geforce_gtx_580_136578_marks I wantz 15 boints
  20. In winter time, it's GMT+1. In summer time it's GMT+2. At the moment of writing, this says it's 3PM GMT+2 and that's similar to what my watch is telling. Just check the competition page when there are less than 24h to go. It'll be clear
  21. That's what I understood yeah. Best mem clocks in 3DM11 at HWBOT.
  22. Brussels: GMT+2. End of october, that becomes GMT+1 again.
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